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Places and forms of power
only 17 and 18 years old. They were reserved and jealous of popular students. This is why they decided to take their revenge against them. The initial plan was to plant a bomb in the school cafeteria. Their goal was to teach popular kids how to grow respectful. But when
673 Mots / 3 Pages -
Places and forms of power : To what extent can art be considered a form of power to make things evolve in the American society during the XXth century?
To conclude, I would say that art can be a strong power if it is well used and only if the society is aware of the committed works of art. However, in all likelihood black art during the XXth century played a big role in the African American emancipation
1 517 Mots / 7 Pages -
Places and forms of Power, Bac Anglais LV1, Independence of Scotland
Then, we can add the economic point. Indeed, some people argue that Scotland could be self-sufficient. The number one argument is that Scotland yields good North Sea oil revenues. - Con We saw that there are so many arguments that could be given in favor of the independence but
1 104 Mots / 5 Pages -
Places and forms of power, bac anglais.
In the US, in the 90's, 2 million violent crimes and 24 000 murders occured on average every year. The weapon of choice in 70% of these murders was a gun. In a typical week, more americans are killed with guns than in all of western Europe in a
1 358 Mots / 6 Pages -
Places and forms of Power: British humour
CONCLUSION: Thus, dystopia is useful so as to criticize aspects of society without naming it, it is also a way for the author to make the readers aware of a certain situation, to warn them and make them question their society. He denounces what he thinks must be, by
1 245 Mots / 5 Pages -
Places and forms of power: how can express different forms of power in various place?
are brainwashed by companies. When they spend money, they feel fulfilled. Consume is a kind of drug for them, if they don’t do it, they are in need. This song denounces the power of marketing. Finally, the last document is a poster by J. Howard Miller of 1943 with a
738 Mots / 3 Pages -
Places and forms of power: how did white power manifest itself?
to black and the actual film begins. The scene takes place on a road at night. We can’t hear anything except the car engine. One car rolls onto the road, inside the car there are three people, two white and one black, they are civil rights activists. The car is
1 104 Mots / 5 Pages -
Places and forms of power: the influence of media on the populations
Is today's India a modern country ? In class we studied documents about the idea of progress and in particular about India. The documents that I will use are “The two Indias”, “Changing India” and “Is microcredit changing India ?”. I) the idea of progress - In India, the
1 308 Mots / 6 Pages -
Places and shapes of power, cours.
- An Excerpt of “Being There”, a 1971 American novel by Jerzy Kosinski “Being There” tells the story of a man called Chance, who is simple-minded. He has been a gardener all his life, the only thing he knows about is gardening. Chance accidentally met a very influential man
3 769 Mots / 16 Pages -
Plaidoyer ,Prendre la défense de Claude GUEUX (V.Hugo)
Toutefois, vous m’accorderez Mesdames et Messieurs l’idée que nul homme ne peut supporter les injustices indéfiniment sans rassembler au fond de lui une boule de rage qui menace d’exploser au fur et à mesure que se dressent devant lui des attitudes qui n’ont comme seul but que d’attiser la
1 331 Mots / 6 Pages -
Plan analytique "la confession de Tarrou"
», ...) dans son ensemble (englobant même le lecteur « nous », « chacun », ...) – termes/valeurs abstraites (« mal », « bien », « intégrité », « pureté », « honnête », « paix ») => discours de la description générique – absence notables d’illustrations/d’exemples concrets = discours
1 075 Mots / 5 Pages -
Plan comparatif : Dans les textes de Cartier et Lahontan les Français sont-ils présentés de la même façon ?
Argument principal 3 Même s’il existe certaines similitudes entre ces deux textes, il y a de grandes différences dans la façon dont les auteurs présentent les Français. En effet si Cartier fait apparaitre les Français comme des colonisateurs, qui apporte les connaissances et la religion à un peuple de
2 013 Mots / 9 Pages -
Plan de commentaire de la scene 38 d"Incendies
- Elle lui fait un compliment en l’assimilant à Sawda l.25 « je t’aurais appelée Sawda » III) Il s’agit également d’une parole tournée vers l’avenir : Nawal donne une leçon de vie à ses enfants. 1) Nawal explique pourquoi elle n’a pas parlé à ses enfants, et veut
1 405 Mots / 6 Pages -
Plan de Commentaire, On ne badine pas avec l'amour, scène d'exposition, Musset
- Maitre Blazius : sous le signe de la rondeur et du vin et a dieu « marmotte un pater noster » ( → associé au clergé mais avec très peu d’importance). De plus, le rythme est ample et la sonorité est douce (allitération en « s » et
1 007 Mots / 5 Pages -
Plan de synthese
TEXTE 2 - Un besoin Le texte n°2 est la démonstration du pouvoir social sur un domestique et l’enjeu de fétichisme une paire de bottine. La femme de chambre est manipuler par son employeur Mr RABOUR, obnubilé par ces bottines, lui divulguant des moqueries pervers, lui fessant des petits
921 Mots / 4 Pages