Places and forms of power, bac anglais.
Par Raze • 10 Avril 2018 • 1 358 Mots (6 Pages) • 776 Vues
In the US, in the 90's, 2 million violent crimes and 24 000 murders occured on average every year. The weapon of choice in 70% of these murders was a gun. In a typical week, more americans are killed with guns than in all of western Europe in a year. It is now thought normal for an urban elementary school to install metal detectors to check for firearms.
American people give a sincere love and affection to their weapons and about 4 million people are members of the NRA (National Riffle Association) which is an organization which promotes the legal use of firearms and protects the rights of US citizensto keep and bear ams. Guns are everywhere in the US, on the TV with american series or movies etc...
There are now in America, a killing simulator that will train children to shoot without a moment's hesitation. It now normal in America to own a gun and since the US doesn't register guns, anyone can buy them. It can be dangerous if a gun is in a bad person's hands.
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My personal document is an illustration which criticizes advertising. Indeed we can see a girl who is looking at a handbag, she doesn't need it because she already has one. But when she looks at the advertising for the handbag which says « You need this thing. Everyone esle has one. This thing will change your life. Really, buy it now. » , she falls into the trap and buy it. This document really shows us that the power of advertising is huge. In the nowadays' world they are everywhere. I chose this document because it reprensents very well the power that advertising has on our society and personality. We live in a world where you have to be just like anyone else because the difference is not really accepted. We have advertising in our schools, on our clothes, at home... Brand's names are everywhere and it became normal, so normal that sometimes we don't even realize. We can say that it influences our every life because they are on the internet, on TV, radios, in th streets... It creates the disire of having something you think will make you better. I think the most affected by the advertisements are teenagers. They want to have the latest phones or shoes. The power is bigger when they use celebrities in the advertisements because they are people who teens are taking examples from, they want to copy their idol. The advertisements are now create to make us want their products because they are more and more artistic. It influences our choices, lives and behaviors. It is form of power because it can also advise people from some dangers.
To conclude we can say that a power have benefits and dangers. As we saw in the first document, people who go in cults are naive people who are in a bad time of their lives. They are easily influenced and here the danger is that cults make them do bad things such as going on diet, being isolated from the rest of the society and generally at the end comitting suicide. In the second document we saw that the gun's power is huge in the US. It is a part of their culture. It can be a good thing but here the danger is that anyone can own a gun and some parents don't seem to be aware of the danger of giving a gun to their children. Americans really love their weapons but I think the law should be more strict about gun's owners and they should have a licence to bear arms. Finally in the third document we spoke about the power of advertising. They are really invasive in our everyday life. People tend to get the latest thing, but it can be bad if it influences the way we are. There should be less advertising and people should be also less afraid of originality and should come out of individuality.