2 709 Langues dissertations gratuites 1 096 - 1 110
HOSTELERÍA : Los cimientos del ahorro énergético
IV- Sostenibilidad y mundo empresarial a) - Verdadero. “...reducir su factura energética es saber cuánto consume y dónde, expliqua Blasco. Una vez localizadas las mayores fuentes de ineficiencia, el siguiente paso es invertir en ahorro a corto plazo...” (l49) - Falso. “...a corto plazo : cambiar una tecnología anticuada
712 Mots / 3 Pages -
How events like the terrorism in Mosul impact people and their fundamental rights as human beings?
How does the article connect to our class? Check all that apply. Politics (examples: local; provincial; federal) Justice system (examples: Youth Criminal Justice Act; court system) Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (examples: protection; violation) Collective Rights (examples: First Nations; official language groups; Metis) Immigration laws (examples: policies; relations
874 Mots / 4 Pages -
How to write a summary
- uncertainty about the real size of gig economy - social + legal consequences of gig economy 5. The big trade unions that have been gathering at Brighton this week for the TUC congress have largely failed to reach out to this new casualised workforce. Meanwhile, politicians are only
1 426 Mots / 6 Pages -
The BAR : Use to people who have been called to the bar (le barreau) To be called to the bar = être inscrit au barreau, in order to become a Baristers (attorney, judges) Context UK : The legal profession (avocats) where the specificity is to be invited devoted
2 507 Mots / 11 Pages -
Huis clos fiche lecture
pas, sont de milieux différents et se demandent pourquoi ils sont ensemble car n’ont rien en commun. Au début ils se vouvoient puis rapidement se tutoient. Ils arrivent sur la scène à tour de rôle, d’abord Garcin puis Ines et Estelle. A la scène 5, on apprend plus sur les
1 162 Mots / 5 Pages -
Huis Clos, scène d'exposition, Sartre
2° AXE : « un dur en enfer » Garcin laisse penser qu’il est brave « je regarde la situation bien en face », que son courage est une attitude ordinaire, que l’adversité ne l’a jamais pris en défaut : « on ne me prend pas au dépourvu »etc.
1 360 Mots / 6 Pages -
Humanisme Gargantua élève Commentaire de texte
Maitre ici guide et complice, encadrement constant+ pédagogie efficace puisque cherche à susciter son intérêt : fondé sur liberté (l.29-31) et plaisir (l.38-39) Savoir superlatif l.48 qui dépasse savoir médecin, l.60 + mémoire impressionnante l.43-45. Gargantua se hisse par son savoir et supplante tout le savoir de son temps
721 Mots / 3 Pages -
Icône en anglais: Nelson Mandela
Now I will talk about an icon that has a negative influence for me. I have chosen as negative icon Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is a negative icon because he killed many innocent person. He created a racist party calling itself Nazism. This function was to kill anyone who
1 958 Mots / 8 Pages -
No cabe duda de que el hecho de tener un marido como Iván ayudaba. Iván no era celoso, no cuestionó jamás el derecho de su mujer a salir por la noche a conciertos o a presentaciones, no se empeñaba en acompañarla, no fiscalizaba sus entradas o salidas, no interfería
1 323 Mots / 6 Pages -
Idea of progress
show new types of families in an entertaining way but which also allows people to think about important issues such as same-sex couples or blended families. In fact, in the Modern family (in 2009), it shows three aspects of the family: the blended family (because there’s an age difference between
823 Mots / 4 Pages -
Idea of progress (BAC): How has progress allowed us to make our modern-day life better ?
firm. He’s gay and has AIDS. When the firm figures those two facts out, he alleges, it fires him. Beckett wants to sue, but has trouble finding a lawyer to take his case. He ends up with a young homophobic attorney, Joe Miller. Throughout the movie, the strong minded Beckett
702 Mots / 3 Pages -
Idea Of Progress - Consumerism
buy something new I guess. Usually, when its November, we receive a lot of christmas advert showing the newest toys and all. There’s also a picture of Santa Claus telling us to buy things to our relatives. It shows « uncle sam » disguised as santa claus and he points
970 Mots / 4 Pages -
Idea of progress - Consumerism
Le droit dit que pour obtenir la personnalité juridique, l’enfant qui naît doit être vivant et viable (le mort-né n’est pas une personne juridique). Il y a un principe selon lequel la personnalité peut, dans certains cas, être aménagée par le droit : parfois on fait remonter fictivement la
4 498 Mots / 18 Pages -
Idea of Progress - Is Progress Always Good ?
Aldous Huxley, a well known english writer and philosopher of the 20th century, summarizes this quite well, he says: “Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for regression”. A final issue we can point out is a view held by certain philosophers in regards to progress,
1 139 Mots / 5 Pages -
Idea of progress : scientific progress
The artist wanted to show us that even if technology help us everyday, it can have consequences on our health and we could become addicted to it. This document illustrates the notion because if refers to progress, indeed it refers to technological progress, that is to say IT progress,
915 Mots / 4 Pages