- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

How events like the terrorism in Mosul impact people and their fundamental rights as human beings?

Par   •  6 Novembre 2018  •  874 Mots (4 Pages)  •  763 Vues

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How does the article connect to our class? Check all that apply.

Politics (examples: local; provincial; federal)

Justice system (examples: Youth Criminal Justice Act; court system)

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (examples: protection; violation)

Collective Rights (examples: First Nations; official language groups; Metis)

Immigration laws (examples: policies; relations with other countries)

Economic systems (example: mixed; market; scarcity; supply and demand; competition)

Consumerism (example: marketing techniques)

Social programs and taxation

Environmental issues (example: climate change)

Special events and people


1. What is happening because of this event?

Because of this event, many people are returning to their lives, (or what is left of them), to help rebuild and return to the normal that they had. But also because of the destructions, the people of the city find a new way to survive and reclaim what was once their home.

In addition, the article describes how there is a lack of trust between the citizens and the UN and the government who is supposed to protect and represent them.

2. How is it going to impact a large population of the world, your community, your school, your family OR you?

3. Could this event be part of a larger issue? Explain how it fits.

I think this even could be part of a larger issue being our trust in our government system. Although the article touched briefly on government. A large part of it was about trust or lack thereof.

If we as Canadians aren’t provided our basic human needs, how can we trust our government? The people of Mosul lack things such as clean water, access to medical care and electricity.

In Canada, we have free health care and most first world counties there is at least access to health care. Canadians don’t have to really think about it because we have trust in our government to provide access to these necessities. We elect representatives that we can trust to represent our needs and rights. But in places like Mosul they do not have the representation that can be trusted by its citizens. This is a very large issue that this event puts into evidence.

Current Events – Assessment

Purpose of the Assignment: Being an informed citizen and discussing current events will give one a better perspective on different points of view.

Includes basic article information.

Summarizes the event with quality details.

Demonstrates a thoughtful reflection. Reflects real understanding of the story and the issues.

It is neat, complete and has minimal errors.

The current event assignment sheet has the article attached.


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