2 709 Langues dissertations gratuites 2 446 - 2 460
Spaces and conflicts : violence
calls the shopkeeper a "paki bastard" this kicks of the scene where he tries to kick Shaun out of the shop, starting by a chase around the shop, the chase is filmed from one angle and shows that skinheads were full of kids. these actions potray a childlike view which
782 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges - gap year
- (…) advantages and drawbacks Gap years help young people to develop more of an appreciation for foreign cultures, and in a global marketplace where people and businesses from all over the world are connected, this can be invaluable and you can also get an understanding of a new
969 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spaces and Exchanges / Espaces et échanges Bac Anglais LV1
Many people realize where their limits are and become more open-minded. Indeed, real life experiences will teach them how to handle situations with more humility. They will also gain maturity and will take more time before making their decision. On top of that they will learn how to be
975 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges: globalization
Secondly, we coulld think that modernity with increased and easier mobility would change the face of human immigration, but it seems to make things worse in some aspects. On the one hand, exploitation still going on. Some take work they are overqualified for, because it still pays better than
878 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges: Is the American Dream real ?
The last document I chose in answer to : Is the American Dream have real ? Is an extract of the episode 218 of the season 15 of South Park. This extract is name “The Last of the Meheecans”. In this extract we can see a group of children
1 082 Mots / 5 Pages -
Spaces and Exchanges: the global cities
However major cities create major problems. Many global cities suffer from congestion. And, too much people means pollution. For me, the pollution is the most impressive problem of global cities. The Great Smog of London in December 1952 which causes 12.000 deaths. We have listen to an amazing audio
742 Mots / 3 Pages -
Spaces and Exchanges: We can ask ourselves what drives people to leave their country to live abroad?
For me a hero is someone who has a great courage, help others, fought for a good cause without expecting something in return. It is someone who is not looking for glory, acknowledgment, any award or money. At the beginning I would like to talk about Rosa Parks who
2 037 Mots / 9 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges: What drives people to leave their contry to go and travelling around the world ?
The Busiest international routes from JFK in 2015 are London (Heathrow) in the United Kingdom , Paris (Charles de Gaulle), in France, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates , Madrid in Spain, Frankfurt in Germany, Santiago and Santo Domingo, in Dominican Republic, São Paulo (Guarulhos) in Brazil, Tokyo (Narita)
1 322 Mots / 6 Pages -
Spaces and Exchanges: what is real american dream and hoow does the immigration impact in US the past 2 centuries?
Mexican immigrants face the hazard when trying to cross the American border, even more when the US authorities have built a wall and a surveillance system to deter migrants. In Ana’s case she had to play smugglers to sneak across the border. She also faced the difficulties of integration
932 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges: To what extent, can we say that sports unites people?
And in second part, these athletes at the centre of the scandals. For a long time, sports have been very important for people, there are a lot of fans in different sports, but sometimes the athletes are seen as heroes. Athletes can have a very important role because they
1 109 Mots / 5 Pages -
Spaces and forms of power: what is the legitimacy to Gender Equality within the different powers?
Clinton is the 1st woman of the USA who presents her candidature to the Presidential race. We can take an other example which is a French one: Simone Veil has contributed to the evolution of the mentalities of her time. About Margaret Thatcher, she had to overcome a lot of
1 231 Mots / 5 Pages -
Spanish business
- Para publicizar sus productos y atraer la atención de la gente, las tiendas de Bershka preparan escaparates atractivos, coloridos e iluminados, con una ambientación musical. Esta es una táctica que utiliza inditex en general para incitar la compra. Se trata de escaparates luminosos y únicos, para captar la
788 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spleen IV de Baudelaire
(strophe 3) La troisième strophe est construite en deux parties comme la première. La première proposition s’étend sur les vers 9 et 10 : c’est une nouvelle étape dans l’envahissement de l’univers extérieur et intérieur du poète. L’enjambement donne un effet de rallongement. La métaphore qui compare les "traînées" de
831 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spleen LXXVII, Spleean et Idéal, Les Fleurs du Mal, Baudelaire
L’irruption de l’hallucination (de la crise) est prise en charge par les verbes « sautent » « lancent » qui traduisent la douleur atroce et persistante que l’hallucination provoque. Le complément « avec furie » et l’adverbe « opiniâtrement » (accentué par une diérèse) renforcent cette impression. Les termes
947 Mots / 4 Pages -
Titre 1: Le couple marié Selon les époques et les sociétés , le mariage ne regroupe pas la même réalité. En france il est nécessairement monogamique alors qu'il peut être polygammique dans d'autre états. Depuis mai 2013, celui-ci n'est plus necessairement homme-femme, tandis que l'hétéroité reste une norme dans
25 966 Mots / 104 Pages