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Monde du travail, droit et économie

12 366 Monde du travail, droit et économie dissertations gratuites 5 881 - 5 895

  • Intensité du contrôle de juge administratif.

    Intensité du contrôle de juge administratif.

    - La sanction disciplinaire et sa proportionnalité Le juge de l’excès de pouvoir exerce un contrôle normal sur les questions de savoir si les faits reprochés à un agent public constituent des fautes de nature à justifier une sanction et si la sanction retenue est proportionnée à la gravité

    863 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Interdépendance et bénéfices de l'échange.

    Interdépendance et bénéfices de l'échange.

    Question n°6 : Non, les agriculteurs n'ont absolument pas tort de manifester, car si les prix diminuent encore, leur coût de production va finir par être superieur au prix de vente, ce qui pour eux se traduira par des ventes à perte. Donc les agriculteurs arreterons de produire si

    1 202 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Intermédiation Financière

    Intermédiation Financière

    ➔ il existe un tx d’i qui maximise le profit de la banque au delà duquel la banque n’a plus intérêt à financer des projets (risque trop grand par rapport au gains espérés). Au delà de ce taux, la banque rationne le crédit. c) Intrinsèquement fragile L’autre grande justification

    3 185 Mots / 13 Pages
  • International business entry mode

    International business entry mode

    The disadvantages are that we can easily loose the quality control of our products. Sometimes the distributor do not respect all the terms and declines the perceived value of your product, which will importantly decrease our competitiveness. It can also create a dependence of the distributor and a loss

    2 194 Mots / 9 Pages


    The last point in the lecture was about the need or the importance of building cross-cultural skills, because these soft skills are making difference in different levels. And as solutions, the lecturer pointed out some contextual solutions (immigration policy, multicultural diversity in universities…) and personal solutions (formal, informal and

    777 Mots / 4 Pages
  • International commerce

    International commerce

    Moreover two approaches had been developed and they are adopted in selling goods internationally, pan-global marketing and global localisation. The first one is Pan-global marketing which presents a strategy developed by Professor Theodore Levitt; it demands the total focus of the company on producing the same goods to all

    1 113 Mots / 5 Pages
  • International Contract Law

    International Contract Law

    International Contract Law Importance of contracts in international business relations: a best protection in minimizing the risks of doing international business. Larry A Dimatteo, internation business law and the legal environment, 3rd ed Routledge, 2017, p9. International contracts: they are posible as long as there is « freedom of contract

    2 293 Mots / 10 Pages
  • International hannover

    International hannover

    à l’ordre pb. Les lois de police sont du for, a une situation concrète, l’ordre pb une loi étrangère peut s’appliquer, sauf si elle choque nos valeurs, elle ne s’oppose pas ipso facto a l’application de lal loi etrangere. Tt à s’ applique a l’ordre pb international s’applique a l’ordre

    791 Mots / 4 Pages
  • International market evironment analysis

    International market evironment analysis

    The competitive advantages consist of: 1. People, Culture, values and attitude The Nestle culture values diversity and always open to innovation. With the cultures that roots back to 150 years ago, Nestle believed in bringing their people together from all over the world with a shared set of behaviours

    3 494 Mots / 14 Pages
  • International Marketing - Adidas

    International Marketing - Adidas

    Other point, there are several segments which translate different motivations. We have for example the segment for women practice several sports and a lot of importance for the feature of the product and for the innovations; on the contrary the segment "Fashionista" privilege the design of the product. So,

    5 281 Mots / 22 Pages
  • International Marketing report : Carrefour

    International Marketing report : Carrefour

    The women / men / children, Carrefour : tex baby, crossroads premium Discount / crossroads (Reflections of France). The food corresponds to the second spending category of the households according to the Insee(National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), after the accommodation(housing). The households spend approximately 3500€ a year

    4 499 Mots / 18 Pages
  • International marketing, global marketing.

    International marketing, global marketing.

    - On se remet en question pour gagner ces nouveaux marchés -> on découvre donc de nouvelles stratégies pour les marchés riches - Logique dominante sur les marchés BOP : Présupposés Implications Les marchés BOP sont pauvres, ils n’auront donc pas les moyens d’acheter nos produits Notre structure de

    1 347 Mots / 6 Pages
  • International Merkating - Wrights of Howth

    International Merkating - Wrights of Howth

    salmon, traditional fruit cake, chocolate, wine, liquor or champagne. Prices are comprised between 33€ and 81€. • Four Hampers: “Irelands eye”, “Lambay”, “Tuskar Rock”, “Dalkey” containing rare and luxury European and Irish products such as chocolate, cheese, liquors, salmon, coming form small producers across the EU. The range of prices

    4 283 Mots / 18 Pages
  • International Strategy of Natura

    International Strategy of Natura

    As the sales in Latin America were increasing and finally making profit, Natura decided to take on the West world by entering France in 2005. The strategy adopted there was again different as Natura opened a store in Paris which was more of a place where people could try

    1 762 Mots / 8 Pages
  • International trade

    International trade

    - the WTO wants to privatise public utilities and services (e.g. water, postal services, education, energy and health care). Privatisation = the selling off of public assets to private corporations. - the WTO is destroying the environment: local and national environmental protections are said to be “barriers to trade”

    1 497 Mots / 6 Pages
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