Final paper: drug addiction.
Par Ninoka • 20 Novembre 2017 • 1 986 Mots (8 Pages) • 512 Vues
(1)Grønbæk.M (2009). The positive and negative health effects of alcohol and the public health implications Journal of Internal Medicine 265; 407–420
Question 5. What are the main mortality causes associated with alcohol?
On the long-term or in extreme cases of alcohol abuse alcohol can lead to death, between 2007 and 2009 in the 16 countries in America selected the average number of death by year related to alcohol was 79 456, in those death 86 percent were mean and 14 percent were women, this number represented 1.4 % of the mortality in these country’s. In the death related to alcohol liver disease caused 63% of deaths and neuropsychiatric disorder 32% the other caused of death range from car accidents cause by drunk driving or a too big absorption of alcohol in a short period of time (overdose). So alcohol can cause death in the sort or long term, it can affect your health in a dangerous way or even make you do reckless thing like driving drunk.
(4)Gawryszewski,V.P,&Monteiro,M.G.(2014). Mortality from diseases, conditions and injuries where alcohol is a necessary cause in the Americas. Addiction, 2007-09.109(4) 570-577.
Question 6. What are some of the frequent myths about alcohol?
Theirs many myths around alcohol, like that compared to hard drugs alcohol problems are minor, this is false in the sense de alcohol is the most current used drug around the world and causes the most deaths around the world compared to the others drugs, around 20 to 40 percent of hospital admissions are du to alcohol related problem and around 20 percent of death in the united states are caused by alcohol. This shows that alcohol problems are in fact dangerous and should not be considered minor compared to other drug related problem. Another current myth is that if u smells alcohol in the breath of someone that automatically means that the person is intoxicated. This statement is false; the odour that occurs when you ingest alcohol is created by a secondary product that is not from ethanol (the alcohol in the drink), they even found in some case that a patient with the smell of alcohol on their breath had close to no alcohol in their blood. Theirs many other myth on alcohol that are easy to look up on the Internet, so next time your hear things like these look it up before thinking it is a true fact
McConnell, E.A. (1998). Myths & Facts…About alcohol abuse. Nursing,28(12),25.
Even if alcohol is legal and used by most of the world population it doesn’t mean it does come with many risk to your health in the sort or long run. There are many factors that can affect the consequences but in the end theirs still some sort of negative effect on your body even if you consume a type of alcohol who has lower risk of giving you alcohol related disease or that you don’t binge drink. In every case think of these consequences in the long run and don’t abuse of alcohol to have fun or change your mind because it could lead to devastating things like death of disease.
Source 1.
Grønbæk.M (2009). The positive and negative health effects of alcohol and the public health implications Journal of Internal Medicine 265; 407–420
Source 2.
Kang.M, Kim.J, Cho.W, Park.E (2014). The Gender-Specific Association between Age at First Drink and Later Alcohol Drinking Patterns in Korea, PLOS ONE, 9(3),1-7.
Source 3.
Whitney,N. Froiland,J-M. (2014). Parenting Style, Gender, Beer Drinking and Drinking Problems of College Students, International Journal of Psychology 16, 93–109 p.
Source 4.
Gawryszewski,V.P,&Monteiro,M.G.(2014). Mortality from diseases, conditions and injuries where alcohol is a necessary cause in the Americas. Addiction, 2007-09.109(4) 570-577.
Source 5.
McConnell, E.A. (1998). Myths & Facts…About alcohol abuse. Nursing,28(12),25.
Source 6. (december 8 2015)