- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Le comportement du consommateur et de l'acheteur

Par   •  13 Novembre 2018  •  1 079 Mots (5 Pages)  •  442 Vues

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- Nudge can also be benefit to the companies, it add more value to the brand image and therefore can help increasing sales and prifits.

- Objective reasons:

-By dealing with this topic we'll be able to more understand the consumer behavior.

-Giving people the chance to change their bad habits into good ones.

- Research design:

Exploratory design:

Documentary study: old studies about the subject and information from the enterprise (intern and extern data)

Qualitative study:

- Group meeting or focus group

- Observation

Quantitative study:

- Questionnaire

Conclusive design

- Causal research: experimentation to determine the effect of one of the 3 variables on sales

- Sampling:

- Population: Buyers of UNO

- Sampling frame: computer program

- Sampling unit: UNO supermarket

- Sampling techniques: Probability sampling techniques

- Sample size:

- Execution:

- Sample validation:

- Data analysis:

The information obtained from the observation will be presented in the form of tables or diagrams allowing a graphical representation However, for a work of memory, we will ensure that the raw elements are made available to the readers.

-Analysis of quantitative data:

Frequencies: examine the distribution of response modalities for a variable. Closed-ended questions

The quantitative variables will be evaluated by mean values (mode, median, mean) and dispersion (frequency, fractal, standard deviation).

Cross tabulations : It is a question of simultaneously treating the answers to two questions (or more) to highlight how the answers to one coincide with the answers given to the other. We then obtain:

- Staffing tables (or contingency tables) that record the counting of the answer of two questions

- Tables of values which give the average value of one (or more) quantitative question (s) calculated for each stratum corresponding to the modalities of a qualitative question.

- Research structure:

Introduction: in this part we will try to give a general representation about the topic and the objectives of choosing this topic, also we will talk briefly about the structure research and the contents of the chapters.

Chapter 1: where we'll see the basic concepts about consumer behaviors and the nudge marketing theory.

Chapter 2: we'll see a representation about Numidis firm and we'll discuss the main steps to apply a nudge marketing strategy and how nudge can architect choices and also we'll see a description of the empirical part

Chapter 3: we'll discuss the results and we'll check whether the hypotheses are true or no and the end we'll give some recommendations to improve the consumers' decision making.


- References:

- Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness (Richard H Thaler & Cass R Sunstein -2008-).

- Nudge Marketing: comment changer efficacement les comportements ( Eric Singler).

- Consumer behavior: Building Marketing strategy (Del I. Hawkins & David L. Mothersbaugh).

- Le neuromarketing en Action (Patrick Georges & Michel Badoc).

- Le comportement du consommateur et de l'achteur (Richard Ladwein).

- Articles about Nudge Marketing.

- Nudging for health: on public policy and designing choice architecture online 2013 sep 30).




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