Human Ressource Marketing Essay
Par Ramy • 17 Octobre 2018 • 2 664 Mots (11 Pages) • 541 Vues
Certainly a better cost position is not the only competitive advantage of a business, but it is unquestionably the most decisive.
But the behavior of costs in the company over a long period is foreseeable; he obeyed indeed a phenomenon that has been identified and formalized in 1966 by Bruce Henderson, founder of the Boston Consulting Group.
Basically, this phenomenon is presented in the following graph: On the vertical axis is expressed the cost of production (excluding inflation); on the horizontal axis is expressed the experience gained by the company as and production (the notion of experience is approached quantitatively by measure the aggregate volume of production).
[pic 2]
The reasons for this phenomenon have been clearly identified; they can be grouped into six broad categories: learning, specialization, investment, the scale effect, the change in technology and the mastery of time.
Depending on circumstances, it may be added to other phenomena such as better use of raw materials, better knowledge of the customers in time, a decrease in working capital needs, the intermediate short-circuiting, etc.
After demonstrated the importance of preserving our employees through the learning curve, look at how to satisfy per the final have better performances.
Scott Adams has written a book, The Dilbert Principle, in which he analyzes the world of business and establishes a perfect business that meets full satisfaction to its employees. Let's look at his reflection to understand how we can satisfy our employees.
Well, what are the main features of this perfect business? For Scott Adams is a company that knows the difference between what is essential and what is not. Two things are important: good products and effective employees. Any task that improves the product or employee efficiency is a good thing. Any other task is futile and will result in the long term in a loss of profits.
Examples of such advises:
- Develop new procedures
- Bring together leaders to write a new company policy
- The sytèmes suggestions
- Redesign the employees payment system
- Organize quality teams
- Writing Assignments definitions and declarations of visions
The employee is the foundation of the company. Motivated and creative employees are invaluable, and their productivity is immense. The essence of the task of the manager is to keep intact the good mood of employees.
- People of good will by nature and happy by default.
- Nobody likes to work, and there is a maximum level of happiness that can be drawn from his job. The work is a fundamentally bad thing compared to other choices, and this is why we must pay for it.
However, the salary is not the only need of the employee.
“As Alex Edmams argues in Employee Satisfaction and Equity Prices : Maslow (1943) and Hertzberg (1959) argue that money is only an effective motivator up to a point: once worker’s physical needs are met, they are motivated by non-pecuniary factors such as job satisfaction, which cannot be externally purchased with cash and can only be provided by the firm. »
Alex Edmans,
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Looking so anything that can be implemented to meet the employee without increasing his salary.
First, the working time. The leaders would do well to remember that their employees have a family life. They work to live, not the reverse. And it is unrealistic to think that an employee is a machine working 100% for his company. Everyone worries, and until proven otherwise, it is not possible to remove them at the office entrance.
You should also know that is productive few hours a day. Those who imagine improve productivity by increasing working hours are wrong and have a lack of flagrant good sense. We must therefore stop making a fixette on the clock, on the pretext that employees are paid on time. A little flexibility not to hurt, and instead will be beneficial for everyone.
Moreover, we must remove barriers that an employee may encounter during their work. We talked about the schedule of works but there is no only that, we must also remove elements of the company rotting the working atmosphere.
The best way to transfer the bad elements is still to not hire them. Instead of focusing on expertise, especially pay attention to life skills. We must systematically eliminate impulsive, those who do not accept criticism, do not know how to manage their emotions, or their problems by peaceful means.
Furthermore, there is a psychological phenomenon that often people behave the way they are treated.
If you lighten the assessment procedures, if you decide to trust them, you hire them to behave responsibly and to work seriously. There will be no suspicion that the manager about the work of its employees. The supervisor-supervised relationship is not good because employees are less involved, less loyal, and will take advantage of every opportunity for doing nothing.
There are many other ways to maintaining a strong welfare of employees within the company.
- Simplify procedures: An employee fills out paperwork does not work. Reduce at the minimum procedures, even leave some space to the informal, per allow the employee to attack the only useful job for you: work.
- Leave the choice of working tools: If an employee performs his job properly its own means and / or methods, why impose yours? You will only slow it down and you will trigger a psychological phenomenon called resistance to change. As it has no negative influence on his work, let free to use the means that he wants to achieve its goals
- Skills, knowledge and training: A job which we learn nothing is terribly demotivating. Every employee should learn things every day, and facilitate access to new skills will benefit everyone one hand, everyone will be more motivated by a rewarding job, and secondly, this opening will encourage creativity.
- Cut short the meetings: Do not meeting if not arrange necessary, don’t invite someone if there he’s not indispensable, and set an order of clear and specific day, with fixed