- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  24 Mai 2018  •  1 082 Mots (5 Pages)  •  641 Vues

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The second chamber: SENAT

Two senators by states regardless of the number of inhabitants by states.

They was a debate between:

Advocate / opponents

The president has to be elected indirectly by the Electoral College that consists of a number of delegates attributed for each states. The number of delegates corresponds to total number of these senators and congressmen.

Through this the small states will not be forgotten, in the end this constitutional convention led to the constitution of The USA, and this constitution thought to establish a compromise between the states who were feared to loose their independence and the nationalist who believed …

The federal government refers to the national government.

The constitution was ratified between 1787 and 1790.

They were a lapse of time of 40 years to come up with something solid that could work.

God is omnipresent in the USA, god is every were. The president of the US “jure” in the bible

“A decent respect of the opinion of humanity” which refers to the DDHC: “All men are created equal”-“endowed”-“unalienable rights”

“MEN” refers only to white.

The constitution enters into force in 1789, this constitution is a short text and a great text, its short but it contains every things essential to lead a power (it contains the three branch of power – judicial, legislative and executive). There is a lack of reference to the fundamental rights of human beings.

1791 – The bill of right, the first ten amendments of the constitution. The gall of the bill of right was to make sure that the states rights and the people rights in their states will not be soloed by the national government.

This first amendment ame at putting some limit over the national government.

And it permits to “renforcer” people rights in their states.

After 1868, the states government had to respect the liberties and the rights given to the bill of right by the people

The five essential principles:

- The government is based on the representation of the people

- The constitution promised a republic (means that the power resides in the people)

- Separation of powers that operate in the constitution is the separation between the tree powers (the executive branch, the legislative branch of power – that deals with the law - and the judiciary branch – that is concerned with the interpretation of the law.)

- The system of balance of powers that was changed and used for the use, is to make sure that no single branch of power become to power full / to oppressive over other branches, at least a decision must the support of more than one branch of power

- Principle of federalism: There are two levels of government, the power of the government is divided between all the states government, the federal power


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