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Tata nano marketing mic

Par   •  9 Octobre 2018  •  3 140 Mots (13 Pages)  •  475 Vues

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More than that, they still have some ambiguity when it comes to the target. By limiting their target Tata motors are missing a lot of potential customers that may present a good opportunity for them. They should not only focus on one segment which is the 2 wheelers users but also on young workers with a low-medium wedges wanting to buy their first car with their modest first salary, people using to buy second hand cars because of the low prices, persons with a car wanting to buy a smaller and practical car or even for taxi cabs why not.

In addition to that, a repositioning should be done in order to change the perception of the consumer that play an important role in the customer behavior. Nano should not only be a solution for them in term of pricing but should make them feel confident, safe and contribute in the urban area. Features should be added in the car to make it safer like airbag and less plastic. More colors should be added to present it as a trendy and fashionable car and make it attractive for the youth. The customer should fell that he is special and belong to an upper social class so the Nano should be more than an affordable and accessible car for everyone but more than that a valuable product for a valuable consumer.

- The marketing-mix for Tata Nano:

The product:

Nano was basically a city car aiming Indian families composed by 4 members that cannot afford an expensive car. It contains mainly the functional pieces necessary for the good functioning of the car no additional features in order to cut the costs and be sold at the minimum price possible. This was the first objective of this creation that unfortunately did not allow the product to cross its path in the market comparing to its competitors. Safety was the main purpose of this innovation and should still that way. For that a security system should be introduced to the car by putting an airbag and replacing a plastic and inflammable components because of its latest misadventures with the cars that took fire easily and spontaneously. Some marketing diversification may be done in term of colors as I previously mentioned to target women or trendy youth as well as the adding of some accessories like air conditioning and GPS since they are limited in it compared to its main competitor the Maruti.

The price:

Tata motors proposed an affordable price thing that seduced all the Indian customers since the segment targeted was the low and middle social class, $2500 was the perfect cost for them approximatively the same as a 2 wheelers but with a better product. In the same way, Marutti offer the same idea with a better product and a higher price about $5000. This didn’t deprive the brand to be listed better in the market.

The consumer is looking for a way of life while buying the car, for upping in the social class some updates should be added so it will seem logical that the price will follow because more options would cost more and so the profit margin would be lower. To resolve this issue, the prices should be increased in order to cover the added additional luxurious components and the new marketing campaign. In addition to that, consumers tend to link the quality with the price more the product is expensive better quality he has. However, Tata motors should keep it promise and maintain its competitive advantage toward it competitors by raising the price without overpassing the Maruti’s one.

The place:

Tata motors has an extensive dealer that cover almost all Indian and international market, the customer can easily find a sales point wherever he goes since they are present everywhere and are well spread in the country which make it easier in terms of sales process for him. The channel of distribution, physical location, and dealership method of distribution and sales is generally adopted. The distribution of vehicle must be in a very systematic way, from the plant to dealership and to the final user. Also the booking could be done through the Tata motors website. They have well-structured distribution plan.

The promotion:

Tata motors promote their products like Tata Nano via advertisement and after sales services. Tata Nano is mostly promoted in the leading Indian newspapers; they are also advertising in magazines. When Nano first came in, the whole first page was devoted to promote the car that was the first thing seen by the potential consumer. Moreover, they use hoardings in the most visited and viewable sites around the cities in the country mainly in some places like bus stands, railway stations and main malls. They also use some advertisement techniques while booking the product online the consumers receive some gifts from the firm like t-shirts, watches and so one. Internet is also used as a mean of promotion but has not that importance compared to the previous ways that’s why Tata motors should focus on that point and try to be present and active in the social media specially if they are willing want to target young consumers. The brand could sponsor some event in order to gain some authority and value in the market. The product could also be presented or promoted by Indian influencers and Bollywodian celebrities in order to ameliorate the image brand. And finally some changes could be done when it comes to the product slogan “the people’s car” in order to reposition the brand.

- The launch of Tata Nano for Europe 2018

Tata intends to export its Nano, the cheapest car in the world, to the European continent. The small Indian vehicle will have to level up in terms of look, comfort and above all safety to comply with European standards.

The Nano will soon set out to conquer the West. The small car of Tata has the ambition to lay its Lilliputian wheels on European territory. In its actual state, the Indian car would not be able to invite itself on the old continent. Tata will have to take care of its comfort, to review its pace and specially to make it safer

The cheapest car in the world would no longer remain so. To penetrate the west many changes should be done in order to meet the needs of the European consumer but before speaking about the adaptation part a short analysis must be done.

- The pest analysis:


The government offer some help to automobile but also some legislative Measures have been taken against the automotive pollution.

Tariffs barriers as taxes.


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