- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  25 Septembre 2018  •  890 Mots (4 Pages)  •  700 Vues

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Despite the fact that India is an emerging country, some inequalities still exist as indicated the text of the document « A country on the march »..

Indeed, even if the underprivileged are less numerous, many Indians still live below the poverty time and don't have access to proper health care. In 2005, there is 42% of Indians who lived on less than 80p a day.

Also, this document raises more than 55 billionaire in India, the fourth highest rate in the world. This information proves that there is a huge gap between the richest and the poorest which shows an unequal share of the wealth.

Furthermore, it is shocking to see that the women's literacy rate is below the men's, which implies that many girls are still denied an education. To note that the literacy rate is around 74% in India, which means that a quarter of the population doesn't know reading and writing in this country.

Finally, gender imbalance still prevails, due to the weight of traditions on Indian culture. With the document « India's girls go missing », we can say that India is an increasingly male-dominated society. In fact, families are eager to have sons who are financially more attractive because of the dowry tradition. Consequently there is a rising number of gender-selected abortions.


This booming country rich of diversities, hasn't developed the same way everywhere in its territory. Traditions still remain in India, the world's largest democracy, which had to cope to the inequalities and try to reduce them. This is evident that some inequalities still exist between men, women and citizens. However, India is a country with an economy who is currently changing and it’s why we can wonder if this economic revolution can may disapear the « old traditions » who creates inequalities.


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