The idea of progress: Should we fear the progress ?
Par Plum05 • 29 Avril 2018 • 914 Mots (4 Pages) • 887 Vues
to replaced his leg by artificial members. In 2013 it’s 7000 people bore artificial leg. That show us a good side of progress. Then,in a movie Splice starring by Vincenzo Natali show us that the engineers manage to mix DNA of different animals to create a nex species for medical use. So with the document “ From gattaca to LA” we can choose the gender of our babies, it’s a breathrought for prents that would like to choose the sex of our babies, this babies are called “disigner baby”. LA fertility institute propoe to make this, they propose to couple to ’’ balance their families”, thats is made by pre implatation genetic diagnosis that is the embryos screening tecnology. That correpond to In vitro processus. So even if its an oportunity, Mark hughes think that the only function of the breakthrougt must be the use to treat and cure genetical disease ans gender isnt a disease. Then, in a justice field, ideed in a movie Surrogate a Robot is used or solve a murder, show us a positive aspect of progress, beacause the robt can gather more faster and more precisly the information of the case. Finally we are going to talk about the social field, indeed in japan they create HRP4C, the state of the art, its look like a human, he takes care over chores, vacuuming robot to instance, probably could cook, and take care of children, entertain the elderly and the crippled. So show us a positive aspect of progress too, robot can used for helping people, can be a very good help for human, to practise the worst task.
To conclude we can say that the progress is neither all good, or all bad Put into the hands of human beings, that knoledge can be used for media or breakthrought. Its not scientific knoledge that is either good or evil, but the application of it.