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Mythes et héros, vocabulaire, fiche de révision

Par   •  29 Septembre 2018  •  802 Mots (4 Pages)  •  583 Vues

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Kevin has seen the film, hasn’t he ?

Les pronoms everyone, everybody, anyone, someone et nobody, sont toujours repris par le pronom they.

Everyone wrote a book about it, didn’t they?

Avec let’s, on emploie toujours shall we? Pour le tag. Will ≠ Won’t → future de BE

Réponse brève, reprise et tag :

Traduction de « moi aussi » So do I So + do-es + sujet

Traduction de « moi non plus » Neither have I Neither + have (affirmative) + sujet

Outstanding (adj) = {Unbelieved / Wonderful / Fantastic / Incredible / Awesome.}

To achieve sth = mener à bien qqch

= to succeded in + V-ING

To manage (V-ING)

Proud : fier → Pride : fierté

Résumé leçon :

Description du héros sur la photo :

The document is a photo. In the foreground, a boy is sitting on the roof (toit) of the building.

He must BE around 10 (years old). He is surrounded by skyscrapers. (gratte ciel)

NYC is composed of 5 boroughs:

Manhattan / Brooklyn / The Queens / The Bronx / Staten Island.

1492, C. Columbus discovered American.

1620 the Mayflower (boat) landed at Plymouth (Massachusetts) the Pilgrim fathers.

He must be thinking because he’s holding his chin.

[As if he was thinking of the future] as if = as thought : comme si

He could be mediation over his role as a superhero, Superman, batman, Wonder Woman, Cat woman, X-Men, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America…

A superhero is:

-Someone who thinks about the orders / wants a peaceful world, saves people example for the others and has superpowers for example.

-Someone fighting against the supervillains.

-Sense (sens) to honor and responsibility.

Strength / Strong / Laser eyes / teleportation /Invisibility / invisible / climb / cleverness

Ability to speak with animals / ability of flying / fast / control the weather.

A hero is loyal, brave, puts others first.

Real life vs fiction:

The doc is a poster extracted (which in an extract from) from “The World’s finest…”.It was made by Alex Ross and it was published by DC (District of Columbia) Comics on 2012. It’s about 9/11 attacks.

- Historical context on September 11, in 2001, 2 planes crashed in the Twin Twines.

The document is made of rectangle at the top in which the numbers 9/11 are written.

Below (≠above; en dessous), we can see a mural representing modern-day heroes like nurses, firefighter, policeman, pilots, common people.

They look proud and sure of themselves (eux-même).They’re bigger than superman.

What strikes my attention is the ironic figure of Superman in front of the mural. He’s wearing his red cape with the yellow S in the black. His (super?) dog stands by him. He’s standing behind a fence (clôture) which could symbolize the different between real heroes and fictions heroes. He feels (sentir) admiration. He’s like child admiring his heroes. He may feel powerless. The proud poses imply that they know they’re doing good.


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