E-banking, rapport de stage.
Par Stella0400 • 21 Mai 2018 • 17 412 Mots (70 Pages) • 662 Vues
Working on this project represents an experience that shouldn’t be missed, since we had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Fatimazahra AZZAOUI and Mr. DHIROUSSI.
We will give a Power Point presentation of this report and during 30minutes we will try to bring a clear analysis of the subject.
The principal goals of this project of are:
- Having a clear idea of the role of the HR function within the company
- Analyzing the organization of the HR function within the company
- Analyzing the implementation of HRM tools (Administrative & HR Development) within the company.
- Analyzing the role of HR manager in the business.
- Proposing some recommendations to improve and develop HR functions
- Preparing our career in HR activities
- Establishing direct contact with future recruiters
- Project Team presentation and the role of the each member of the team.
We represent a team of11 students, mobilized and determined to achieve the goals of the project.
We started by the elaboration of the plan, then we decided to divide each other into sub-groups so we can work on different points.
During the period of the preparation we organized a meeting once a week to discuss about the project progress, to share informations between us, and also to analyze and resolve some work problems.
To achieve our goals and have a good results we set up some rules to follow:
a) A clear definition of objectives
b) A clear division of tasks
c)A judicious allocation of available resources(combination between effectiveness and efficiency)
d)The implementation of the right action sin case of failure
e)The periodic inspection results
- Presentation of the company, its industry and its internal organization
- Description of the company's industry
The automotive industry is one of the most important economic sectors by revenue. Morocco is on track to become a leading destination for automotive investments. The country’s automotive sector has witnessed a boom over the past five years. By 2012, 108 743 vehicles have been produced which made him one the most productive countries in North Africa. Recent investments in Morocco’s automotive sector include a one billion Euro investment by Renault. The French company is setting up a new plant which will produce 400,000 vehicles annually. The plant is expected to create around 36,000 direct and indirect jobs. The Moroccan automotive sector has very important development opportunities for the next decade.
[pic 12]In a testimonial posted on the Moroccan Agency for Investment Promotion (AMDI) website, Renault says: “Having settled in Morocco for 80 years, Renault is the leader of the Moroccan car market with its brands Renault and Dacia. Already holder of a production unit in Casablanca (SOMACA), the Group launched in 2008 the construction works of a vast industrial complex in Tangier. The decision to install the Renault Project at Tanger Med in Morocco was based on several factors: Prospects related to the automotive sector in Morocco with a rapid growing equipment rate and an attractive domestic market. The wide trade zone to which Morocco provides access because of its geographical proximity to several European and African countries and opportunities offered by the Agadir Agreement. Good infrastructure conditions through primarily the Tangier Med port and the dedication of space (13 hectares) to the exportation of Renault vehicles. Solid wage and fiscal competitiveness that allows Morocco to target the competitiveness levels of Romania. Support of public authorities and presence of a financial partner for the Renault Tanger Mediterranean Project. And finally, the Free Zones in Tangier and Tetouan which facilitate the installation of vendors near the industrial complex.
The Moroccan government has chalked out a strategy to further boost the industry. The plan includes attractive incentives such as a 5-year corporate tax exemption for automotive companies setting up shop in the country. Plus, the government offers aid worth up to 10% of the total investment to help automotive facilities set up. The government also has set in place training programs tailored to the needs of the automotive sector. Morocco’s strategy as far as the automotive sector is concerned revolves around boosting investments from automotive suppliers who are looking to invest in low-cost countries. Plus, the country wants to establish itself as a manufacturer of specialty vehicles such as trucks, buses and coaches. AMDI is a leading force in promoting the automotive sector in the country. In March 2011, AMDI made a presentation to leading car-makers in France.
It told OEMs that Morocco has created integrated industrial areas which it calls platforms in Tangiers and Kenitra. These industrial integrated platforms are called P2i, and were created for automotive manufacturers. The P2i program helps automotive companies rent or buy real estate and buildings or get customized facilities in Tangiers and Kenitra. The logistics on offer include optimal connectivity to major ports, airports and highways. The services offered under the P2i program include those that fall in the general infrastructure category such as helping set up infrastructure, maintenance, security etc. In addition, there are general services such as telecom, food, health services, banking and so forth. These areas also offer services such as business centers, recruitment agencies, travel agencies and so forth. Advanced services such as engineering, logistics, and recycling are also offered. The P2i program also offers training programs with specialized training institutes aimed at the automotive sector. The P2i program streamlines clearances by offering a One Stop Shop for automotive investors.
- History Development of Renault
Created in 1899, the Renault group has gone through various stages, including nationalization in 1945. Its history is inseparable from that of France in the twentieth century with its participation in the two world wars and its global reach. Hard labor