Exemple rapport stage anglais
Par Orhan • 9 Janvier 2018 • 763 Mots (4 Pages) • 2 125 Vues
- Analyse the results for yourself
- In terms of professional skills
This work placement helped me to have a better view of my future career and it gave me first-hand knowledge of life in an office.
I built knowledge in the field of administrative, accounting and business.
I realized that the mistake must not exist in world of work because my tutor always checking my work because you can’t’ make any mistakes.
- In terms of personality
Thanks to this work placement I have gained autonomy because I was trying to manage myself and toward the end of the work placement I started to do the tasks without asking my tutor
During this work experience I felt more adult because I was not anymore the student who learns his lessons but put them into practice.
- What I liked and didn’t like
After having completed my work placement I’m sure that I don’t want to become a personal assistant this is why I decide to carry on with my studies.
One of the many things this work experience confirmed to me is the atmosphere at work matters a lot and I see it with “Caséo” because employees complain often about some colleagues or how the hierarchy treats them... Etc.
But there was a good working atmosphere upstairs in the office where I was with three employees and I enjoyed a lot to working with these three ladies.
I was very motivated about this work experience because it was the first one.
And I think it was a great experience on the one hand because the employees were very friendly, I fell well accepted and integrated into the staff and on other hand because this work placement was useful.
And finally the work placement allowed me to gain work experience something that I don’t have and something important in the world of work today because is a prerequisite.