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The British Empire.

Par   •  27 Mai 2018  •  742 Mots (3 Pages)  •  524 Vues

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All people whether there were in an independent country or not in the Common Wealth, could ask for British Citizenship. British leaders have no doubts that Britain must uphold his stages from a world power’s and that it could only do this by maintaining its old links with the empire

The colonial relationship has maimed that unlike most European migrants the British CW settlers has voting a residential right including right of access to welfare provision.

Wiston Churchill described Britain position as a central position, in the intersection at the heart of 3 circles: Europe, USA, Common Wealth.

Britain becomes the 1st country to gain the Atomic bomb in 1922. Furthermore Britain founding of the NATO (OTAN).


- In 1960 11 members

- In 1965 21

- In 1990 50

- Today 53 independent states

19 countries in Africa, 2 America, 8 asia, 3 europe, 12 korebians, 10 south pacific.

In 1948 Britain passed the Britain nationality act. One os the most liberal “Immigration” regime in Europe. Since immigration policy from the CW was defined in the British nationality act. It identified 3 categories of belonging : subject wood, nationality, and citizenship.

We could be subject without being a national. These 3 notions don’t overlap as they were defined in the British national act.

The migrant of the CW, were not consider as Alien, whereas the French were.

When in 1948 the British national act passed, Britain still saw itself as a global player and not a local. Several events are going to change radically the home and the foreign policy of great Britain.


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