Rapport de stage LVA Bts Commerce International
Par Junecooper • 6 Décembre 2017 • 752 Mots (4 Pages) • 927 Vues
- Speed bumps are called topes and they are very high and I swear you will slow down even stop in front of it.
Life in general :
- People are very opened and curious to strangers
- The price of the life is very cheap for example if you want to go to the restaurant you will pay like 55 pesos wich correspond to 2.6€
- You can find second hands market ( Los Globos ) it's an entire block with various shops selling very cheap things.
Others :
- The border with the US is very Impressive.
- Their is jobs wich don't exist or don't exist anymore in France like : A person who put your food in bags when you do your shopping , a guy who take the money at the toll , a person who fill up and wash your windscreen when you are at the gas station …
- Actually I have done the tour of Mexico during 6 months so I had no preconceptions on the country. What was different this time is that I was alone.
- Five advices I would give to someone who is planning to visit or work in Mexico :
- Don't be shy , go talk with people they can bring a lot to you.
- If you want to work there be ready to have big days.
- Try local food , it's very different than in France and a hundred time better than Odel Passo
- Go visit native monuments it's impressive
- Dont stay on tourism tracks , go to far corners this is where the beauty of Mexico is.