''Lady Freedom Among Us'' by Rita Dove (1993)
Par Ninoka • 18 Mai 2018 • 969 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 773 Vues
On the second hand, Dove evocates the weather stained and the layers of pollution that damaged the statue : ''her drenched gaze her shining brow'' ''the thick skin of this town'' ''its gritted exhaust its sunscorch and blear''. It first could be interpreted as an allusion to the restauration of the statue, but also as a metaphor to show how it could be considered as a ''guardian'' of freedom who fought bravely.
On a deeper level of understanding, the figure of lady freedom is an allegory for the abstract concept of freedom itself : ''she is each of us''. Indeed, freedom is a right that could exist only if ''each of us'' feels concerned by it, respect it and defend it. Through these literary devices, the poet reminds the importance of this right which is recurrently forgotten.
Finally, the numerous allusions to American values and symbols anchor the poem in an American perspective, displaying that freedom is an emblematic value of the United States amidst many others. Evidently, lady freedom itself appears as a symbol of America. As it is noticeable with ''don't think another item to fit on a tourist's agenda'', liberty is a value which can not be removed or forgotten while going to the United States.
Nonetheless, freedom is not the only value that is highlighted by Dove. Indeed, other symbols are suggested. For example, ''blunt reproach'' refers to justice, ''feathers and stars'' to the eagle and US flag which imply courage and strenght, and also Christianism, the main religion of the country, through ''mercy'', ''charity'' and ''potter's field''. Considering those allusions, one can assume that the message conveyed applies more specifically to American people. It reveals the patriotism of American people which support their country and its principles. Moreover, this poem could then be studied as both a tribute to freedom and American values.
Providing that this poem was initially written for the restauration of the lady freedom statue of Washington's Capital Building, it is worth underlining that it could be read on a simplified level of understanding. As a matter of fact, ''Lady Freedom Among Us'' is an ekphrastic poem since it gives a tribute to a statue, which is itself a symbol of an essential American value : freedom.
To conclude, Rita Dove's ekphrastic poem ''Lady Freedom Among Us'' is a tribute to the restauration of the Lady Freedom statue of Washington's Capital Building. It recalls freedom as a fundamental right of the United States that has been hardly acquired and must be protected by everyone. Furthermore, it illuminates the constitutive beliefs of the American society which are unjustly often forgotten.