Imaes of the enemy: A study of the Images of Germans and Frend Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gmer
Par Andrea • 1 Octobre 2018 • 846 Mots (4 Pages) • 665 Vues
Though the creation of Combat clearly proposed to counterbalance German propaganda with the French resistance media and personal encouragement, the authors' political aims remained fixed on «une publique pure et dure». Perhaps then this Gaullist ideology, the political devotion to the man who became the symbol of the French Resistance, and the paper's location in the Unoccupied Southern Zone of France played a significant role not only in the politics behind the scenes but in the articles published by Henri Frenay, former French military officer and founder of Combat, and his companions in Combat. The evolution of this publication throughout 1944 offers rare insight into the minds behind the French Resistance and the writers' burden to fulfill France's cultural and political responsibility to the world.
These publications served several purposes--to share news of the resistance movement, to make outsiders aware of the situation in France, but most importantly, to maintain the cultural role of France in Europe. Serving as an inspiration to fellow resistors, these writers and their publications cried out for unity among the French people and openly condemned the treasonous acts of their collaborationist neighbors. According to Henri Frenay, his newspaper was created to fill a specific need, to counterbalance Vichy propaganda--to offer information denied them (citizens of France) by the official press. However, this periodical like so many others took on a new life of its own, publishing articles and creating new purposes which went beyond the obvious goal of national liberation. Indeed, the creators (mostly supporters of General Charles DeGaulle or his fundamental beliefs) developed a clear purpose not only for their guerrilla fighting units but for their periodical as well. In a September issue of Combat, the newspaper mentions other conservative and communist parties and Resistance organizations, a great republican and revolutionary party which will renovate the political life of France and will build the IV Republic.