The legacy of the new deal by historians point of view
Par Raze • 1 Septembre 2018 • 852 Mots (4 Pages) • 662 Vues
million people.
This program has been developing steadily over the years through the many policies established in the 20th and 21st centuries, serving as a foundation and inspiration for Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare...
It was above all with respect to mentalities that there was a great change. Now the intervention of the Federal State is accepted when it comes to saving the economic system.
The federal government sees its powers strengthened face to the federated states and the big bosses.
The role of state interventionism established by the New Deal has now become so rooted and natural that it is an inseparable part of the American political system
Some say it’s a good thing, others are in favour of non-interventionism, it also depends on the political parties to which they belong and the ideas to which they adhere.
Most of democrats tend to see the New Deal as a good program and most conservatives tend to have a negative view of the New Deal.
The liberal historians and economists who were in favour of the New Deal denounced the increasing costs on businesses. According to them, this would hinder new creations or develop existing ones.
They also regret the lack of capital injected by the federal government. For them it was necessary to do more.
Many people, historians and economists with a rather conservative thought have strongly criticized the state’s policy of intervention to justify certain failures of the New Deal.
They say that this policy did not allow the United States to regain the same situation prior to 1929 in certain areas.
The New Deal was criticized for his ineffectiveness by the Liberals who accused it of having prolonged the crisis until 1938.
Some historians defend the New Deal by saying that politicians were faced with unprecedented magnitude in the history of the United States and that there was therefore no previous episode on which to base itself to solve it.
However, the New deal allowed to improve in the long term the infrastrcutures of the country and to develop the economic power of the federal government.
Despite social tensions, the New Deal has also made great social advances and strenghtned Aerocan society by reintegrating tens of millions of excluded from the crisis of 1929.