Fallen Heroes, can we forgive them for them wrongdoing?
Par Andrea • 23 Mai 2018 • 1 140 Mots (5 Pages) • 595 Vues
and singers who have sunk into drugs or alcohol … but we forgive them because they stay icons to the music or our favorite movies’ characters
Whereas some mistakes are unforgivable and ruin heroes forever and ever. Those athletes who prove beings false heroes, or celebrities who did horrible crimes.
First let’s talk about those “champions” who give us hope and courage but they turn out to be impostors and lie to us. Can we really have confidence in their performance? For example, Lance Armstrong, he won the Tour De France seven times. He was an hero, the only one to win as many times. He was a model for every cyclist but when we discovered that he was doped all the myth collapsed. He went from hero to zero. This is unforgivable because nobody wants to be fan of a liar, a cheater.
Well, doping is nothing next to a crime. And a crime, even if it is committed by one of our heroes, it remains a crime. Why should we forgive them to kill someone? Shoot a person, stab his wife or beat to death his girlfriend is intolerable. Be a hero, a star or someone important don’t give the right to make things like that. For instance, the rugby player Marc Cécillon, -who has played for France- do not accept the demand for divorce from his wife, he killed her by many gun shots under the influence of alcohol. The scene took place in front of a dozen people. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment and finally to 14 years in appellate court. Yes, he was an amazing rugbyman but we can not excuse the crime of passion he committed. He just can’t take the live of his wife because she wanted to divorce.
To finish, let’s deal with the heroes who reveal to be rapists and pedophile. We can’t tolerate famous people doing this kind of things and stay awe of them. It’s not only being unfaithful to his wife or her husband -and in this case it does not concern us- but here we speak about an horrible act that is unforgivable. A child is innocent and doesn’t ask for nothing. Everybody know Micheal Jackson for his style, his music and his dancing skills but he is as well know for the pedophila rumors which hold against him. A lot of clues have been found in his house but some people continue to consider him as a hero even if he did unforgivable things.
To sum up, even our heroes make mistakes and sometimes it is unforgivable and give an end at their reign.
To conclude, we can forgive some heroes who made mistakes which didn’t concern us like the use of drugs or alcohol. And also those who defend their private life if this stays reasonable and don’t make the life of someone in danger. However when our heroes committed crime or rape we can’t forgive them because it’s inhumane act. Last if they lie to us about what makes them heroes we can’t continue to consider them as heroes because they have nothing more to be heroes.