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Anglais oral mythe et héros: how can an ordinary person make the world a better place and thus become a hero ?

Par   •  29 Juin 2018  •  1 121 Mots (5 Pages)  •  860 Vues

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That's why she received the Nobel peace Prize in 2014.

And it's important to say that, in the same way as Helen Keller, Malala was also in the shade, nobody knew her until recently, so she had not made all of this for the glory or the fame.

Some heroes are admired because of their achievements, or messages. They perform courageous things/acts, they fight for something or they want to serve others. They represent a model, an ideal person. They try to gather people and help them to have a better life. For instance, some heroes fought against racial segregation in the United States, like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King or against Apartheid in South Africa like Nelson Mandela. And even if they became myths today, they were heroes of their time and they were ordinary people, just like Malala or Helen Keller.

Indeed, Martin Luther King was an American icon. He delivered a famous speech “I have a dream” about the freedom of the Negro in 1963. In his speech, he denounces the conditions of the black people in the US in the past and at the time of his speech. Moreover, the wall painting of Mr. Brainwash shows 3 icons: Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Barack Obama. These 3 models fought for the equality of black and white people. They embody symbols. For example, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King represent the symbol of the struggle against the racial segregation in the 1950’s; and Barack Obama is the symbol of the American Democracy, becoming the first black president. Indeed, Barack Obama rallied American to his cause. This illustrates the fact that a hero can gather people around values which are equality and democracy.

What’s more, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King are considered as heroes to many people because, before the Civil Rights Movement, when whites were thought to be better than all other races, they decided it was time for a change. So they rose peacefully against Whites: for instance Rosa parks refused to let her seat to a White man because she considered that she should have the same rights as Whites. And Martin Luther King helped her in her struggle and became after the leader of the nonviolent struggle against racial segregation.

For people, they are heroes because they fought for their convictions and ideas with determination, courage and devotion. People admire them because they succeeded and did what they dreamed of/about.

To conclude, to me a true hero is someone who does good for good, not for glory(they act out of goodness, not out of fame). They do make the world a better place without having superpowers. And the world is full of heroes , people who risk their lives to save others, sometimes its their job, like soldiers, firemen, rescue workers, policemen, etc... Sometimes they are just ordinary people who reacts correctly at the good moment. They are unsung heroes

remarques générales:

- Presentation riche et bien menée

- reprendre toutefois les dft points indiqués pour éviter des incohérences par rapport à la pb


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