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Sales Force Management

Par   •  4 Décembre 2018  •  1 206 Mots (5 Pages)  •  468 Vues

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One of the functions of sales management is to ensure that the objectives are split equitably across the sales force and territories/regions. This should take account of the opportunities and threats of each

The objectives would normally be split out into targets on/ Absolute product sales (numbers and value)/ Profit margin achieved (or price point)/ Markets/segments entered/developed

What needs to be considered when creating and fixing objectives?

The purpose of the objectives it primarilty to focus the workforce:

- Collective objectives-quality, speed of response

- Personal objectives- sales and income targets, personal development

These objectives can be for the entire 12 months period, or where required, more short term, for example where skills development or project work is required

It is also possible and sometimes preferable to cut an annual sales target into quarters which can reflect the reality of the market place such as seasonal opportunities the time to get a lead through the pipeline.

Quantitative objectives:

Sales targets


Directly linked to the value/ volume of sales

Achieve 120 € of gross sales

Sell 5 of this model, …

Specifically concerned with the margin achieved

Achieved 20 000€ gross margin

Do not concede more that 4% discount to any one client on sales less than …

Market related objectives

Activity based targets

Direct targets

Obtain 5% of the overall market by year end

Sign up 20 new clients

Such targets can be effective at times of economic or specific market place challenge.

They account for the activity of the sales person rather than sales result. They can be goods good motivators too for sales people new to the team

5 new leads per week

3 face to face meeting per day

10 customer quotes per month

Qualitative objectives (me, my behaviors, competency, customer services)

Generally, touch on behaviors and are not so easily measurable/

- Ensure customer records are up to date after each interaction

- Management of debtors/late payment

- 70% of customers are satisfied- However, this measure can be affected by a number of different elements/activities of the organization for which the sales person may not be directly responsible.

Other considerations when preparing objectives:

- The overall objectives of the company as a whole

- The context- new product development, the retirement of old or unsastifactory products

- Movement of competitors, their offer, promotions

- Economic perspectives

- The real potential to find new prospects and gain new clients

The sales-force workspace

Sales aids/ productivity tools: Tout type de chose que l’on a besoin (bureaux, telephone,zone de presentation, etc)

Workspace at the office :

Working from home: secure connections

Expenses and claims: car petrol paid etc

There are a number of ways in which to track performance (activity)

Put in place reporting mechanisms (ideally automated) which can track key statistics such as:

- Number of client visits

- Outcomes of visits

- Competitor performance

Satisfaction survey

Mystery customer visits and reports

Management style

- Dictate: Decision are taken by the manager and announced to the team as whole- little room for negotiation

- Persuasive: decision may be taken by the manager and they are accepted more easily due to the way they are delivered

- Consult: The manager consults with the team to take their views which may inform the decisions

- Delegate: Certain decisions are simply delegated to the sakes-force to take for themselves

Communication is crucial to the functioning of a team:


Team meeting

One to one meetings

Push communications


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