- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  11 Juin 2018  •  831 Mots (4 Pages)  •  499 Vues

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of Top Managers.

Applying a downsizing strategy tend to affect employees moral and loyalty, as well as the willingness and effort they put in the organisation. (Nantaporn M., & Brian H. Kleiner, 2003) Indeed, employees filling the redundancy issue were inclined to suffer from ‘pain’, emotional stress and other outcomes of downsizing. Knowing that those impacts might affect some employees, the company put in place a system to provide emotional support to those affected. (Mitchell L, 2000)

“Survivor sickness” is a term used to refer to morale problems among those remaining in the company after downsizing (Cappelli et al, 1997:80). Therefore, JFC set up an action plan that aims to improve employees’ performance so they match the new needs of organisation. (Mitchell L, 2000) In addition to that, they organised an interim appraisal so remaining employees could raise any concerns.

Henkoff (1994) declared that at least one third of large and medium-size US companies have downsized their workforces every year since 1988, but Luan et al (2013) found that a downsizing strategy is showing weaknesses to the organisation financial position as well on a customer point of view or even its investors. But from a human resource perspective it is bad from a human perspective.


JFC, to reach the organisation’s goals, had been engage in maintaining a satisfied workplace. Besides, the company anticipated the consequences of downsizing on employees by showing an interest on both leaving and remaining workers. But like Andrews (1996) reported remaining employees faced mixed emotions because on one hand they are glad to stay, on the other they feel guilty towards the ones, who left, insecure regarding their job, stress over the amount of work they have and sometimes in a stage of depression. So one of the major effects towards JCF would be the lack of trust coming from employees.

The Human Resources Management department followed a traditional approach to downsizing but took less time and tried its best to anticipate issues following this strategy.


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