- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  15 Février 2018  •  1 334 Mots (6 Pages)  •  715 Vues

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- - The function of the essential fatty-acids

One grants especially many virtues to the fatty-acids omega-3. Thus, the fatty-acids omega-3 EPA and DHA, extracts of fish, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. These fatty-acids help to reduce the cholesterol level and are good for the blood pressure. Moreover, the fatty-acids omega-3 are good for the memory and the concentration.

The fatty-acids omega-6 are important for the structure and thus for the operation of the cells of our body. Moreover, the linoleic acid has a beneficial effect on the cholesterol level and thus on the heart and the blood-vessels.


The word “fibre” indicates several substances like psyllium, cellulose, and apple fibres. These substances in common have the fact of coming from plants and of not being digestible. That means that the fibres are not absorbed in the small intestine (they do not pass from the intestine towards blood). They remain in the intestine and facilitate the intestinal transit time.

There exist soluble and insoluble fibres. The soluble fibres dissolve in insoluble water and fibres not. The food fibres are also classified into fermentable and nonfermentable, according to whether they are or not degraded by the bacteria in the colon (fermentation).

- - Function of fibres

The fibres are particularly important for digestion. They play a role stimulating in the process of chewing and the production of saliva. Moreover, the fibres have a beneficial effect on gastric draining and make it possible to earlier test a feeling of satiety. A food rich in fibres thus reduced the appetite and can help to maintain your weight.

In the small intestine the fibres slow down the passage of food, the absorption of glucids is thus progressive what avoids an hyperglycemia and peak of insulin too of high after the meal. In addition to the favorable influences mentioned above, the fibres have also a positive effect on the heart and the blood-vessels by reducing the cholesterol level.


Proteins, lipids and glucids are also called macro-nutrients. The body needs some in great quantity. These nutrients are thus measured in grams. They are energy nutrients, they provide to the organization the energy which it needs. They are used to ensure the physiological needs for the body, in particular the growth, the development, the constitution of the bodies, the hormones, the enzymes, the muscles, and blood.

The vitamins and the minerals are also called microphone-nutrients. The quantities necessary of these nutrients are lower than those of the macro-nutrients. Consequently, the quantities are expressed in milligrams (Mg) or micrograms (mcg or µg). The vitamins and minerals do not provide energy, but are inter alia necessary to the release of the energy of the macro-nutrients and the amino-acids constituting proteins. They are essential to the good performance of the organization.


To be fit and stay healthy, it is important to get enough daily vitamins and minerals : these micronutrients exert key functions in our body , in terms of energy metabolism as the structure of the organization .

In addition, the antioxidant properties of some help to protect us from damage from free radicals and oxidative stress and thereby prevent many cardiovascular and degenerative diseases, and certain cancers.

Moreover, to supplement your diet and regularly provide beneficial and protective elements , or if your needs are above average (sports, stress, old age , pregnancy, pollution, tobacco, growth, diet , infection, chronic illness, treatment , etc. ), the use of quality food supplements may be appropriate and effective .


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