- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Report on startup.

Par   •  31 Mai 2018  •  1 549 Mots (7 Pages)  •  473 Vues

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Three individual cases will be assigned of which you must complete two, each worth 20% of your final grade. I will assign several questions for each individual case about 2 weeks prior to the due date. These are individual, not team assignments. The case reports must be no more than 4 pages, double-spaced. Case reports must be submitted via email by the beginning of class (i.e.: no later than 7:30PM on the due date). We will go over the case in class on the evening it is due. Reports will not be accepted after the due date.


- Always include your name in the report itself. A good way, if you’re using MS Word, is to create a header that includes your name, the case you are reviewing, and the date

- No need to repeat the question – get right to the point

- Save your report as a file using this naming convention: LastnameFirstinitial_Casename

- Save your report as a Word file or PDF (i.e.: .doc or .pdf)


You will form teams of 5-6 students by the third week of class. Your team will stick together for the entire semester and you will prepare your final project together. During two classes, you will be asked to respond to a specific strategy challenge at the beginning of class. You will be given the remainder of the class to formulate a response. At the next class, you will present your team strategy and provide a 4-5 page written response (the written response is due at the beginning of class). There will be 2 in class strategy challenges, each worth 10% of your grade. Everyone on the team receives the same grade.


This project entails preparing a strategic plan (using a format provided in class) to respond to a specific marketing challenge that you will be assigned. Your team will select a real company facing a real issue and happening in real time. Your goal will be to analyze the situation and suggest a strategy (it’s not to analyze the strategy they’ve taken but to recommend a direction yourself). The written document must be no longer than 10 pages double spaced. The final project will be worth 25% of your final grade. Everyone on the team receives the same grade.


Class participation has a direct correlation to the learning, motivation and enjoyment of the subject matter. Class participation involves questioning, dialogue and interaction with the professor and your classmates. In addition to speaking up in class, you can improve your participation grade by responding to articles I will post from time to time on Blackboard in the Discussion Group section.

Learning in this class is related to your willingness to expose your insights and viewpoints to the judgment of your classmates. Thus, each one of you is expected to contribute to class discussions in terms of both quality and quantity. This includes preparing for class by reading the text and relevant articles or cases, as well as presenting your analyses, opinions, or summaries of material covered in class.


I fully support Baruch College's policy on Academic, which states, in part: "Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college's educational mission and the students' personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned. Additional information and definitions can be found at


In addition to teaching Marketing at Baruch I am Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning at Sudler & Hennessey Advertising, a Young & Rubicam brand. I’ve been in advertising since 1993 holding positions of increasing responsibility at Publicis Worldwide, IPG, and WPP agencies.

Prior to entering the world of advertising, I was a Group Product Manager at Procter & Gamble in the US and France, managing both professional and consumer brands during a10 year tenure. I was the recipient of the coveted P&G World Class Copy award for excellence in advertising and promotion.

I have a BS in biology from Cornell University, an MS in Pharmacy from Washington State University, and an MBA in marketing from the Kelley School of Business of Indiana University.


COURSE SCHEDULE (• = Reading or Exercise,  = Assignment for grading)








Syllabus & Course Content Overview

Marketing Strategy Review



Levels of Strategy

• Chap 1


Corporate Strategy – Marketing Impact

• Chap 2



Business Strategies – Marketing Impact

• Chap 3

Divide into teams


• TelePizza case



Strategy Challenge in class assignment

 Trip Advisor case


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