Rapport de stage Amray radioprotection
Par Junecooper • 6 Décembre 2017 • 4 092 Mots (17 Pages) • 573 Vues
The company product range, initially clothing (aprons, jackets, skirts…) has been so successful that after 30 years they developed and extended additional range. Now, the company offers not only clothing, but also accessories (goggles, Thyroids mask…) and collective protections (glass, door, wall…) against X-Ray for the last 5 years.
Their reputation offers AmRay further opportunities to diversify and meet customers’ expectations. For example, AmRay launched a new range called the “BioShield” doors, an anti-bacteria door that complies to the new regulations in hospital in particular.[pic 6]
AmRay Medical in numbers:
- Over 30 years of experience.
- A turnover of 2 million Euros.
- 16 employees in Ireland.
- 5 sales representatives in Europe/ Middle-East / China.
- 12 sales agents in France.
- More than 30 distributors around the world.
- 1 Subsidiary in France.
Individuals Protections
[pic 7]
Fig. 3: AmRay product in individual protections
Collectives Protections
[pic 8]
Fig. 4: AmRay product in collectives’ protections
Sales Process
Two ways for AmRay to sell products:
[pic 9]
[pic 10]
Concurrence analysis
- European Leader
- Bespoke products
- Trend: Products meet market needs (Environment and Ecology)
- Important Sales force in France
- Product : Easy installation
- Geographic location (shipping cost)
- Small internal structure & organisation (compare to the competitors)
- Weak forecast
- Slow market penetration due to prices
- New Brands and manufacturers
- Lead time delivery: Too long (in large volume (2 -3 months0
- Market potential (grows constantly)
- Launching of a new product range at a less expensive price.
[pic 11]
Outsourcing for cheaper suppliers in doors and ironmongery
- Despite the crisis: Remain vital product
- Competitors in lead and hygienic doors
- Strong economy recession
- Economical factors and budget in Hospitals: Budget has reduced year on year over the last 3 years (in 2016, budget with hospitals has reduced by 3,5€ Billion) and will reduce further in 2017 by +5€ billions
- New Standards
Fig. 5: Swot Analysis of the company
Company position on national and international markets
Nationally, AmRay Medical is the only company suppling personal protective product against X-Rays giving AmRay a leading position in terms of positioning and innovation enabling it to penetrate European markets in the radiation protection business.
Internationally, as well-known supplier, AmRay Company attends customer regional fairs, exhibitions or national and or regional congress. The latest one they did in France, last April, at a regional congress for the PCR (Personne Compétente en Radioprotection) in Caen. More than +150 hospitals and PCR’s were part of that congress.
Future prospective markets: The Company is currently negotiating with China and Russia to have the CE Label (European label which indicate that products are made in Europe and comply with the European standards). This is an opportunities for AmRay to enter in those markets.
French Customers and Competitors
AmRay customer and profile:
- About 3 000 public hospitals and private clinics in France. They are the most profitable customers for AmRay. Those customers are the most profitable for AmRay. Average sales in value of 100,000 EUR.
- Radiologist, Veterinary and Dental offices. There are nearly 47 000 offices in France. Average sales in value 5 000 EUR.
There are about 30 worldwide competitors that can produce lead and hygienic doors. The two main international competitors are Lindner and KONE. Both have subsidiaries in France with a network of more than 40 independents dealers. In France, there are 5 are French manufacturers (two in the hygienic doors and five in lead doors) and 8 suppliers. The 5 manufacturer are: PortAlp, SIRP, Varay Labrois, Lemer Pax, and Lindner.
Find below the list of the main AmRay’s competitors in France (complete list in appendix 3):
Radiation protection doors
Hygienic doors