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Rapport de Stage

Par   •  4 Septembre 2017  •  5 783 Mots (24 Pages)  •  1 159 Vues

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In conclusione, posso dire che si tratta di un tirocinio stimolante e affascinante. Accorgendosi della passione con cui lavorano le persone qui, posso dire che questo mi convince ancora di più per lavorare sempre con più interesse.

In questa relazione di tirocinio, vorrei illustrare e presentare la società per la quale lavoro (la sua storia e etica per quanto riguarda i clienti ma anche i lavoratori) e il settore turistico per quanto riguarda i alberghi di lusso. Inoltre, presenterò il mio ruolo e la mia missione in questa società, e come ho contribuito nel suo sviluppo. Infine, dimostrerò il significato di questo tirocinio per me e per l’albergo « Dolce La Hulpe Brussels Hotel ».


I am an Applied Foreign Languages’ student with majors in English and Italian at the University of Toulouse 2 “Jean-Jaures”. My field of study is grounded on international economic affairs, sales’ techniques and import-export procedures. During the last year of my Bachelor’s Degree, I had the opportunity to undertake a traineeship at the “Dolce La Hulpe” Hotel, which is situated in Brussels, Belgium. During these 2 months of internship, I worked as a Reservations’ Sales Agent. Having mastered different selling techniques during University courses, I decided to put them into practice and examine them closely. The “Dolce La Hulpe Hotel” belongs to the “Wyndham Chain Hotels”, which were founded in 1981 in Dallas, Texas. The hotel that I work for offers various services such as accommodation, catering, organization of conferences and team activities. Regarding its market situation it has shown an increase of 35% over the last seven years, thereupon it is a growing field,

in spite of the economic deadlock of nowadays.

A Reservations’ Sales Agent is responsible of persuading clients to book a room at the hotel and therefore, he/she is responsible of reinforcing the sales team. I would like to indicate some of my responsibilities:

- Processing reservations from the sales office, other hotel departments, and travel agents.

- Distinguishing the selling status, rates, and benefits of all packages plans.

- Tracking future room availabilities on the basis of reservations.

- Helping develop room revenue and occupancy forecasts.

During this traineeship, I was given the chance to get to know how luxury hotels work, what is significant to them and how they operate on the inside so as to give clients what they are looking for.

The reasoning of choosing this traineeship lies in the fact that hotel management is an area that I am genuinely interested in. I have always desired to specialize in customer service and selling techniques. Given the fact that I have worked for five years as a receptionist, I can tell with confidence that hotel management inspires me and interests me. My work also interconnects with other branches of the hotel such as the Front Desk, Accounting and Marketing, which is a fact that I find sure-enough fascinating.

Working in this area has definitely improved my skill set. It gave me hands-on experience on how to promote a company, its products and services. I also improved my communication skills and the fact that I had to conduct researches on different topics helped me understand better the luxury hotel’s market. I ameliorated my Marketing and Macroeconomics knowledge, my ability to work independently and my ability of synthesizing information.

In this traineeship report, I will present the history of the hotel chain for which I work (ethics and behavior towards employees and clients), the tourism industry, as well as my mission and role. What is most important in this traineeship report, is what I contributed to the hotel and what I earned from this experience.

Antouela Santikai

4 Rue Arnaud Baric

Toulouse, 31300


Hotel Dolce La Hulpe

135 Chaussée de Bruxelles

1310, La Hulpe

A l’attention de Mme Lien Costermans

Toulouse, le 3 février 2015

Objet : candidature pour un stage d’une durée de deux mois minimum

Chère Mme Costermans,

Étudiante en troisième année à l’Université de Toulouse 2 en Langues Étrangères Appliquées je cherche mon stage de fin d’études et j'aimerais vous soumettre ma candidature pour le poste d’agent des réservations.

Mon nom est Antouela Santikai et je suis une étudiante motivée, à l'Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès (France), en train de finir ma Licence en Langues Étrangères Appliquées (spécialisation en affaires économiques internationales). Cette licence est un programme combinant l'étude de deux ou plusieurs langues avec une connaissance approfondie des techniques de communication dans un environnement économique international.

En raison de ma dernière expérience professionnelle, lorsque j'étais une réceptionniste (Chef du Service des réservations), je peux vous assurer de mes compétences organisationnelles. Au cours de cette expérience, j’étais responsable de la base de données de l’hôtel, de la création et de la tenue des registres de réservation par date d'arrivée et liste alphabétique. En plus, j'étais responsable des dépôts de garantie pour les réservations, et j'étais capable de rédiger et analyser les prévisions d’occupation. En ce qui concerne les traductions qui peuvent être nécessaires, ma langue maternelle est le grec et je parle aussi couramment l’anglais, l'italien et le français. Et en ce qui concerne mes compétences en informatique, je peux parfaitement utiliser Microsoft Office Suite tels que Word, Excel, PowerPoint et Outlook et Publisher.

J’ai le contexte éducatif et académique, l'expérience pratique, et la passion d'être un membre de votre équipe. Travailler pour Dolce La Hulpe est plus que juste un grand nom à ajouter à mon CV puisque personnellement, j’aimerais travailler dans une entreprise hôtelière si importante comme la vôtre et j’espère vraiment que vous me trouviez bien qualifié pour ce poste.



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