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Dura lex, sed lex

Par   •  15 Juin 2018  •  1 042 Mots (5 Pages)  •  736 Vues

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Then, every citizen can have a different opinion of justice and fairness. Due to this, everyone can have another opinion about the justness of a judgement. Even if there are these differences between people, the law is always as just and fair as possible. When a judgment is made by a judge, there have been, during the preliminary stages, researches and lots of facts and evidence that lead to the punishment pronounced in the end. No one is condemned without any proof and every delinquent is punished in relation to the crime he committed and the indications the investigators could find against him.

Finally, the philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote in his oeuvre “Leviathan” about the society and how it works. Every human being wants power, which leads to different sources of conflicts as competition, distrust and the search for glory. Therefore, the natural state without laws is a state of war. When there are no laws, then everyone has the right to do everything and there are no possessions because everything belongs to everyone. There is no space for a feeling of security, because everyone has the right to kill at any time and without a reason. So Thomas Hobbes proves that only a law that rules the daily life and the hierarchy of the society leads to a peaceful and carefree coexistence of human beings.

In conclusion, one can say that this is a topic where one can discuss very much. Injustice, the incorrect way some files are treated and corruption are arguments against “dura lex, sed lex”. In contrast to this, the law guarantees the preservation of the social order. Even if the conception of every citizen is different, the law is always as just and fair as possible. Finally, Thomas Hobbes proves that there has to be a law ruling the daily life, otherwise we would live in a permanent state of war. Personally, I think that Thomas Hobbes is right with his reasoning, because human beings need laws and rules to coexist in peace.


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