Cours d'anglais.
Par Stella0400 • 5 Décembre 2017 • 4 142 Mots (17 Pages) • 498 Vues
They manipulate him into making Tula work at the travel agency: Elles le manipulent pour qu'il fasse travailler Tula à l'agence de voyage.
They make him believe that it was his idea: Elles lui font croire que c'était son idée.
Relate what happens in the extract we just watched from the meeting of the parents until the wedding day. Use preterit (10 lignes)
For :
- It's good to have a friend who has a different style because he's original
- because he affirm his personnality
- we can have a friend who has different cultures/origins because he's a human even if he don't have the same origins/cultures.
You can't judge of an apparence, it's a human too and kyou can get to know someone and like him even if he's really different
a. The stereotypes is that British food is terrible, British people always drink tea, it does rain in Britain every day.
Monday, December 12th
Overcoming culture differences:
Stereotypes about the British/British people are:
-They drink tea
- the food is terrible
- the weather is awful
-they are very introverted
-they have pale skin => they are pale-skinned
- they have blond hair => they are blond-haired
On peut faire un adjectif composé en ajoutant -ED à la fin du nom
ex :She's a blue eyed blond haired pale skinned girl.
Les adjectifs de nationalité: The + adj. = le peuple
ex : Les Britanniques: the British
Contradicted Validated
- no prominent front teeth - get used to the weather
- they open their hearts to us - politeness → refreshing open-hearted - get used to British food
- they do drink a lot
- they do get sunburnt & red
In order to survive culture shock, you should keep in touch with your family and friends back home (you can call them, or chat with them, or send them mails).
You should take photos/pictures of people whom you are going to miss the most, and also photos of your pets for example.
In order to blend in (s'intégrer, s'adapter), you should avoid asking personal questions and you should also join a student union (association, étudiante). Moreover (de plus), you should always get in the queue/the line when you are waiting for your turn.
Some stereotypes are partly true and are validated by the text «Love the difference» :
- They drink so much that they fall off their feet => they drink themselves off their feet
(structure causative). He talked himself to sleep. The baby cried himself to sleep
- They get sunburnt because there are so pale.
Other stereotypes are untrue and they are cotradicted:
- They have huge/prominent front teeth: the stereotype is contradicted.
- They are not always introverted; They can be open and welcoming.
Vocabulary: to head: se diriger vers/prendre la, direction de
to make the world pay attention: forcer les gens à prêter attention à
to swap: échanger
The women's can do any sport but the women's who do sport don't get as much attention as the men like in football.
We can watch more hardly the women's sport broadcast than men's sport.
Compréhension de l'écrit
1. Mr Watkinson drive Mo Farah to athletics meetings, using the trips around the M25 as impromptu English lessons.
2. Because don't let him go away.
3. Because Billy let the last goal in.
4. Mo Farah's PE teacher is always supporting Mo Farah but the PE teacher of Billy are very strict with him and if Billy lost, he has to take a cold shower.
Expression écrite
They can support them and do more compliments. They have to be serious but also cool. Teachers can give gifts or a surprise to their pupils if they have a good grade.
And also they can allow students together and give them a responsability for example: in my opinion to assign students classroom jobs is a great way to emprove and to encourage them.
Watkinson, who has was Mo Farah's PE teacher (physical education teacher), helped him by encouraging Mo to take part into athletics meetings and by helping him with his school work => he «drove Farah to athletics meetings, using trips around the M25 as impromptu English lessons» (l.12-13).
He also helped him to remain focused => «there were so many distractions that could get in the way» (L. 10-11)
No, Billy's teacher doesn't believe him when he says he didn't deliberately let the ball in because when Billy says «I couldn't help it» in line 21, Billy's teacher answers «Rubbish lad» in line 22.
Les comparatifs:
* De supériorité (plus que): on rajoute -er à la fin d'un adjectif court (une syllabe ou 2 quand il finit par -y).
Ex: People think that men are stronger than women.
Some women are