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Factors that an entrepreneur would need to take into account if they were considering becoming a franchise of a fast-food company.

Par   •  17 Juin 2018  •  771 Mots (4 Pages)  •  646 Vues

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After this market analysis work, it is time to analyze the feasibility of the project on a financial plan. For partners, the Business Plan includes a study of market and a balance sheet and a projected profit and loss account. This document presents the project, as well as the potential for profitability and development of the brand to open. It is, therefore, a guarantee of additional credibility to the project and turns out be essential today to convince partners.

Then it is essential to choose a local. The local is the key to the proper functioning of your business. It is, therefore, imperative to take the time to find. Accessibility, daily traffic, visibility, competition in the nearby are major points to analyze in this research. The franchisor must validate the place, must ensure compliance with the rules that may be imposed by the latter.

Finally, the last step before opening the restaurant is the drafting and signing of a franchise agreement. In General, the franchisor offers a basic contract, which sometimes has flexible clauses. This contract contains the obligations of both parts concerning the commercial collaboration franchisor-franchisee. It is essential to pay attention to all the clauses included in this contract, not to sign a document that could put you in a precarious or unexpected situation.

The disadvantage is that the investment of departure connected to a franchised new business start-up is often higher than a creation as an independent entrepreneur. Indeed, the expenses of creation are the same but in more there is an entrance fee that has to be poured to the franchisor.

As a conclusion, the franchisee is a warned entrepreneur: he takes the highly-rated vouchers of the system and so protects itself a certain job security and a possible financial earnings based on a proven concept and thus cannot be considered as the typical creator of a Zcompany. I think that a franchise is good, but in my humble opinion it is more dangerous than to open its company. To be franchised means to join someone and, in this case, it is better to know its "partner" or "rival" in most of the cases.


- Clarke, P. et al., 2009. Business and Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press

- Hall, D. et al., 2010. Business Studies, 4th ed. Essex: Pearson Education

- Kahn, M., 1993, Franchise et Partenariat, 3th ed, Strasbourg: Dalloz-Sirrey


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