CMS electronics
Par Stella0400 • 13 Octobre 2018 • 891 Mots (4 Pages) • 409 Vues
The cms electronics is a differsified company because it’s operating in several sector such as :automotive,medical technology and energy systems ,so the principal costumers of the company is the automotive sectors, auto parts from cms electronics are found in the most impotant cars brand this market is in constently grouwth as said previously and it’s impact the economy due to the high prices of the auto parts.
To last in the market the company most offer an added value and propose innovative
product .
A large costumers of cms were located in europe especialy in german to reach the probleme of the location cms implanted a sale office in Kassel, in addition of Hungary and Germany the company saw opportunities in Turkia the major one is the localisation to EU to make it easy to do business and also for the less cost of logistics which are weak do the proximity of Ankara to Klagenfurt .
Cms face a dilema they do have to follow their costumers or not and that due to the increase of the automotive sector in China so all the company costumers moves to china.
To remedy to this problem the company installed a second sells and engineering office in shenzen with a local engineer but still the exportation from china to europe was not profitable do to the hight cost and severe rules.
The chineese market is a strong market with years of companies expertise and it’s a risky market to produce theire due to the rude competition.
So the company have to do a market research to know the characteristics of the chineese market because it’s a complicate market due to the increase of the companies during the last years and also the chineese population are very demanding in terms of quality of the product because they have plenty of choices.
Without forgetting that cms is a small company so they have to be very carefull concerning the management of the company that involve the maintenance of the machinary,the schedule of employees in a way to respond the ISO standard.