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Business administration, executive summary

Par   •  21 Octobre 2018  •  4 711 Mots (19 Pages)  •  534 Vues

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SWOT Analysis



Unique and original idea

Our Experiences and competencies

Creativity and Innovation


The European Market’s

Decentralized Authority

New product

Market niche

Restricted Market awareness in Early Stages

Lack of Search Engine Optimization

High Risk Orientation

High Cost of Server Maintenance



Strong Alliances

Informal Competition

Diversified Business

Taking New Trends

Enter New Market

Innovative and Creative Process

Strong informal Competition

Hacking and Hacktivist Group

Cost of Technology Investment

Economic Crisis

Slowing Down of the European Market

Terrorist act

Our Expected Gross Margin And Sells

The highlights of our expected sells

[pic 14]

This chart represent the growth of our sells and the gross and the gross margin plus the net profit expected in the next three years , it will go from 200,000 dollars to 1,000,000 dollars .

Organizational Structure

Our organization would have a flat structure because it offers more opportunities for employees to excel while promoting the larger business vision. That is, there are more people at the “top” of each level because it’s flexible and better able to adapt to changes. Faster communication makes for quicker decisions.[pic 15]

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We manage with a decentralize authority adapting a mix between organic and mechanistic structure of the organization.

The mechanistic and organic sides of our entreprise.

[pic 28]

Our Business Development Stages

We are going to have three stages of development the first stage is :

- Early stage : which is divided in two parts which are the seed and the startup

- The seed : it’s the root of our business we have an original idea that provide unique services and we have worked on our business plan with our team to set up the framework of the business

- Startup: we plan to buy an office which will be based in Europe since our core activity would be centered around it , we will go through a prospect phase to see what would be our potential customers and how the market react to the introduction of our business we would develop a web site which would mark the launch of our business into the market

- Expansion stage: we aim to expand the market niche and develop our customer base so we could breakeven in three years and hope to be profitable in the end of the fourth year through an increase of performance steady development of quality we will anchor our resilience and flexibility to the business and the management so we could survive the uncertainty of the market and grow even bigger , we would achieve that through two lines of focus a customer-base management and employees satisfaction management so we would keep a competitive advantage from any potential threat in the market and keep increasing quality and be as efficient as we could be .

- Bridge Pre- IPO: we would develop a financial structure to adapt to our prospective -strategy to go public, we would discuss with investment banker to come-up with befitting bridge financial strategy to maintain to operation and uphold the growth of the business for our PRE-IPO period.

- Buy Out: by emphasizing in our objective to go public and clearly defining our strategy and goals to move from PRE-IPO to POST-IPO through a management by objective to avoid lost of performance in that transition period , we aim to put our IPO offer in to the financial market after a span of ten years of existence , we intend to grow our capital by going public and we endeavor to achieve a globalization of our market by going international with the help of the increase of financing that we would have after going public which will allow us a more suitable strategy to our future plans.

[pic 29]

The Ownership Information:

- Sara Rachidi: CFO (Chief Financial Officer) with 25% of ownership to the company’s capital, General Partner.

- Soufiane Moummou: HRM (Human Resources Manager) with 25% of ownership to the company’s capital, General Partner.

- Hamza Rhazi: CMM (Chief Marketing Manager) with 25% of ownership to the company’s capital, General Partner.

- Zakaria Harrari: CEO (Chief Executive Officer) with 25% of ownership to the company’s capital, General Partner.

Board of Directors' Qualifications

We as a managing team and key profile in the company as well as owners in its capital we would constitute the board of directors. As we are the root of the company and its seed we put our heart and mind to pull the company out of the ground and transform our ideas into reality . we plan as skilled individuals to expend the business and reach its


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