Synthèse:Places and forms of power
Par Plum05 • 23 Avril 2018 • 1 050 Mots (5 Pages) • 683 Vues
all the form of power abuse to denunce inequalities like this 2 examples of social activist did.
II) Limits of the media
a) Governement and media
But their exist limits. The media should have a crucial role to play in engaging the public with the aims and achievements of open government. With censorship, reporters can be put in jail, killed or their articles controlled or used as propaganda like during the second world war. In fact, reporter are the main targets of dictators and terrorists like James Foley who was kidnapped by islamist activists. Also, journalist don’t respect for the most gossip article or local article the privacy, the tranquility and the secrecy. That was the case for Jeff Kerber who ruined a padiatricians practise by revealing he had AIDS without informing people about the limited risks. Sometimes, according to me, journalist is going to far with some articles and gossip. People and politicians have the right to privacy, this is the eight article of the constitution. I thing in France, we have the right of speech and we are lucky for these because much of people in the world want and fight for this liberty. France is the countrie of speech and it’s not for anything.
b) new media and social network
Also, with the new technologies a new form of journalism has emerged. Indeed, people use the social networks and internet to get informed today, it’s faster and cheaper. We can also exchange information and ideas with people worldwide. Anybody can be a journalist, with the smartphones we can take pictures and post them on the net for example like during the next attack in Paris, with horrible pictures in the Bataclan. For me this picture of the person who were killed during this attack isn’t respect the tranquility of their families and it can touch them. With the new media, it’s more difficult to have privacy and tranquillity for the people and us, the common people. Maybe, the social media will just replace the traditional media but for now, people still trust the expertise of the professional journalists more than uncertain sources on the net. When we go in social media or social network we must be aware of their goals. In all of article, campaign, picture, post there are a goal.
To conclude, we can say that we needs a fourth power to prevent power abuse and the more informed we are the more we can decide what’s good for us and act. Without a free press we would be ignorant of socials problems. The next media might take more power and we must be careful that they won’t be used to control and influence us but give us more freedom.
Actually, we can also speak about the impact of social network and social media to the news, in a good way for the COP 21 during this week in Paris or in a bad way for the terrorist attack all-around the world.