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Locations and forms of power : what kind of power do we find in the society ?

Par   •  20 Octobre 2018  •  828 Mots (4 Pages)  •  741 Vues

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Women has access to education and can work, that’s what we find in Earth Element which is a report on France24.

In Africa for example, Carolina Chelele is a woman who has won in a Reality show. This program “Mama Shujaa” which means Heroines of agriculture show the work of Woman. The woman does 80% of work, they dominated the sector of agriculture but they are not recognized. They don’t possess the ground they work and haven’t the same access like men. In majority they have not access to credit and money to invest in market and yet they are the first producer of alimentation in Africa.

Oxfam say “If you give the power of agriculture at women, you resolve the alimentary security”.

In Pakistan otherwise, most of students are girls but lot of law prohibited them. In the traditional society they must stay at home, do housework and fill kids.

They are not allowed to work and study after the age of 8 years old and that’s why after their studies they are few to work.

Dr.RABIA for example who is a woman doctor, must pass by internet to practice her job.

By internet she can talk to her nurse who is in a Clinic and who gives the necessary treatment to people. It’s the only way for her to work and to assume her responsibility at home with families.

In this way, even if by new technologies women can get a place in the labor market and serve her own interest, inequalities in male and female stay very strong and not always easy to accept. And it’s the actual problem.


To conclude world hold lot of powers, as spiritual as physics, a power which is possess by men in most of traditional society.

Women don’t possess the same rights that men and she’s private to many things. That was unfair to my point of view.


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