Locating headquarters
Par Ninoka • 4 Décembre 2018 • 3 078 Mots (13 Pages) • 624 Vues
There is also the verb ‘to cluster’
In the mid- to late 1990s several successful computer technology related companies emerged in Silicon Valley in California. This led anyone who wished to create a start-up company to do so in Silicon Valley. The surge in the number of Silicon Valley start-ups led to a number of venture capital firms relocating to or expanding their Valley offices. This in turn encouraged more entrepreneurs to locate their start-ups there.
In other words, venture capitalists (sellers of finance) and dot-com start-ups (buyers of finance) "clustered" in and around a geographical area.
The cluster effect in the capital market also led to a cluster effect in the labor market. As an increasing number of companies started up in Silicon Valley, programmers, engineers etc. realized that they would find greater job opportunities by moving to Silicon Valley.
a front runner the person/country who is leading the race
ICT Information and Communications Technology
a track record past results (bilan)
acclaimed (adj) publicly praised (applaudi)
benchmark a level of quality that can be used to compare
Invest in Denmark – Best Country for Business
Antonio Brizzo: We decided to come to Denmark because Denmark is a ____________________ country and because it's the ideal ____________ for the Scandinavian market as well.
Esther Alegria: The best thing about being in Denmark is the interest that the government has in collaborating with industry and the educational system together, to create that eco-system for the future.
Craig Binetti: If I had to think of one reason to invest and be in Denmark, it has to be the people.
Voiceover: Welcome to Denmark. Welcome to the perfect hub for northern Europe. Welcome to _______________ talent and _______________ innovation. Through its many years of strong focus, Denmark is already an international leader within _______________technologies. And now Denmark _______________ the way forward as the first country in the world to commit to becoming entirely _______________fuel free by _______________.
The Danish life-science industry, covering both bio-tech and innovative medical technologies, has developed into one of the strongest ____________in Europe. It is a rare international example of how to turn academic _______________successfully into commercial business.
Denmark is a front _________________ within ICT. Here you will find a world-class IT infrastructure, universities and companies with an impressive _______________ record of innovations, and dedicated _______________ consumers.
Despite the country's small size, Denmark is home to one of the world's largest _______________industries, _______________ from a uniquely stable and favourable regulatory ____________. And the offshore industry within wind and wave energy is a global front runner.
____________ all ____________, acclaimed Danish design goes far ______________aesthetics. With a strong _____________on user-driven innovation, Danish design improves people's lives and gives commercial products a competitive _______________.
Invest in Denmark is the place to start if you are considering setting up or _______________ your business in Denmark.
Binetti: Invest In Denmark has really helped DuPont establish a presence here. This is very important for our company. This is a ____________ ____________that we want to be [in], it's about the transformation of our company, and so we're looking for people like Invest in Denmark to help us have a presence and continue to attract people to our organisation.
Voiceover: We _______________companies with key local contacts, arrange fact-finding tours and _______________comprehensive _______________analysis – all ____________ ____________ ____________ with guaranteed full confidentiality.
Brizzo: Invest in Denmark did help us to enter in [sic] Denmark from the main door.
Voiceover: Invest in Denmark. We start where you are, and assist you ____________ ____________ ____________.
Finally, the UK has managed to attract a lot of international HQ. More companies locate their European headquarters in the UK than anywhere else in Europe. The UK boasts a pro-business environment, an excellent infrastructure, a talented workforce, low taxes, many tech clusters and very little red tape . You can set up a private limited company online in just 24 hours.
Over the last few years Ireland _____________________________ (attract) many companies due to its low corporate tax rate of 12.5%.
Over the last few years many companies _____________________________________ (attract) to Ireland due to its low corporate tax rate of 12.5%.
Currently many companies _________________________________ (leave) the UK due to Brexit. However, it still remains very attractive.
Currently the UK ______________________________________ (negotiate) the terms of Brexit with Brussels.
Currently Brexit __________________________________ (negotiate) by the British government and Brussels.
Currently plans __________________________________ (make) to reduce the corporate tax in the UK to 10%.
Currently the future of Gibraltar _____________________________________ (discuss).
How long _____________________ Gibraltar __________________________ (belong) to the UK ?
Gibraltar _________________________________ (be) a British overseas territory for 300 years.
When _______________________ Gibraltar _________________________ (become) British ? In 1713.
____________________________you ever _________________________ (go) to Gibraltar ?
I __________________________ (go) to Gibraltar in 2015.