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Anglais: bases grammaticales complètes

Par   •  7 Juin 2018  •  2 352 Mots (10 Pages)  •  566 Vues

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7-) They didn't eat at the restaurant last night. // Did they eat at the restaurant?

8-) You musn't interfere, they aren't hurting each other (you needn't) // Must you interfere? Are they hurting feach other?

9-)They haven't got a very large garden? //Have they got a very large garden?

10-)You couldn't help me make a dinner?// Could you help me make a dinner?

11-) We didn't watch the football game last night. // Did we watch the football game last night?

12-) Does he think there is still a chance? // He doesn't think there is still a chance.

13-) It doesn't rain all the time in SC. // Does it rain all the time in SC?

14-)They aren't getting ready for the party. // Are they getting ready for the party?

15-) She wasn't supposed to learn all this. //Was she supposed to learn all this?

16-) He didn't buy all this food. // Did he buy all this food?

1-) Why did Rachel bring a camera?

2-) How much does this painting cost?

3-) When are they going to New York?

4-) Who broke this vase?

5-) How old is Mark?

6-) How did you come?

7-) Where was she born?

8-) Whose photo album is this?

9-) When (What time) did she say she would phone?

10-) With whom did James go to London?

4 temps en Anglais

Present= BV I am working

Preterit= BV + ed I was working

Present Prf= Have au présent + PP I have been working

Past Prf= Had au preterit + PP I had been working

On a 2 formes de présent. La forme en "be + ING" n'est pas un temps mais un aspect: Le temps indique dans quel période se situe l'action et l'aspect donne une indication sur le deroulement de l'action.

On emploie le Present Simple pour:

-indiquer une caractéristique du sujet. Ex: He lives in Dublin // She plays the piano // Her father smokes.

-exprimer une généralité. Ex: English people drink tea.

-exprimer une vérité scientifique ou permanente. Ex: The erath revoltes around the sun.

-parler d'une habitude/ de qqch de répétitif. Ex: We have dinner at 7.

- évoquer une succesion d'actions rapides(ex: commentaires sportifs) pour accélerer le rythme. Ex: He runs, he shoots, he scores!

-exprimier un futur programmé. Ex: my train leaves at 7 pm

-exprimer les verbes d'état, de pensée, de gout.

-Never, rarely, hardly, ever, sometimes, occasionally, usually, often, always (adverbes de fréquence).

On emploie le Present en ING pour:

-parler d'une indication en cours au moment ou l'on parle. Ex: Listen ! She is playing the piano. // He's smoking outside right now. // Somebody waiting for you in your office.

-parler d'une action commencée mais non achevée. Ex: He's writing a new novel // I' am reading a new this really good book.

-parler d'une description d'une scene. Ex: The children are sitting on the grass. She's wearing a new hat today.

-avec always: pour exprimer une action fréquemment repetée avec une idée d'agacement du locuteur. Ex: He's always making norse when I'm working my favourite show.

-parler d'un futur assez proche et planifié. Ex: We're going to the cinema tonight // I'm leaving at 6.

Exercices Rapide:

-Regarde! Je regarde mais je ne vois rien d'hinabituel

- Que fait-il dans la vie? Ou travaille t-il?

- Il enseigne italien à la fac mais il donne aussi des cours d'espagnol cette année.

-Est ce que vous jouez de la musque? Oui je joue du piano et un peu de guitare.

- Pourquoi es tu assis à mon bureau ? Je cherche juste qlq chose sur internet.

-Look! I'm looking but I don't see something unusual.

-What does he do (for living)? Where does he work?

-He teachs italian in university but he's also giving spanish lessons this year.

- Do you play music? Yes I play piano and some guitar.

- Why are you sitting in my desk? I am just looking for something in the internet.



Le preterit est le seul vrai temps du passé. On peut le traduire par:

-passé simple (1) / imparfait (2): He confessed he was in love with her.

-passé composé: I went to the swimming pool yesterday.

-plus que parfait: He didn't tell her where he put the money.

Le preterit sert à exprimer une action passé, datée, terminée.

On l'emploie pour

-parler d'une action precise ou d'une serie d'action passée


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