4P anglais
Par Raze • 6 Avril 2018 • 584 Mots (3 Pages) • 683 Vues
-The shape also refers to ergonomy
The brand image : it is reflected with the quality of the marerials. It has to respect the brand’s ethical values
The instructions, legal mentions, composition : they are sometimes useful (utile)
To target precise customers. For example : organic food, eco-friendly products, fair trade( commerce «équitable) …
Promotion :
• word of mouth (bouche a oreille)
• events (évènement, fairs (foire), exhibitions (salons)
• street marketing
• advertising
• the purpose of advertising
• to inform customers about a product
• to increase the sales
• to launch new products
• to promote the broad name
the themes to be found in advertising campaigns (humour, trends= tendances, up to date technologies, celebrity endorsement, easy-life, utopia, social acceptance and social category improvement. Ambition and success
advertising :
The questions to be asked to set up an advertising campaign :
• Who are the prospective customers / what is the target
• What kind of product is advertised ?
• What is the available (disponible) budget ?
• Which message does the brand want to communicate ?
• What kind of channel (channel) or media will be used ?
Visual documents :
• Intro
• Which strategy has been used the brand ?
Lynx :
• It is a poster Lynx a brand speciallizing in deodorant, anti-transpirant and perfum, shower gel…
• The target is obviously the young generation especially men because they are usually attracted by this kind of rebellious, naughty bad girl
Conclusion : the brand really plays on a cliché
Visit britain :
The document is a poster for visit britain this time, they don’t sell any item but services… the goal is to inform tourists about places, restaurants, hotels, cultural events …
Tis time, the visual communication plays on 2 British clichés : the pub and the Famous Sherlock Holmes
The goal is obviously to attract visitors and tourists
They also want to show the british culture and its warm atmosphere