Falling sales of the Chilean retailer Saga Falabella in the Peruvian market
Par Raze • 4 Juin 2018 • 826 Mots (4 Pages) • 809 Vues
1995: Falabella enters in Peru with the acquisition of Saga.
1997: Creation of Travel Agency and insurane brockerage. Join Venture agreement with Home Depot.
1998: Creation of Falabella bank.
1999: First store in Buenos Aires is opened. Acquisition of 20% of FASA.
2001: Acquisition of 100% of Home Depot Chile, which becomes Home Store.
2002: Opening of first Tottus Hypermarket in Peru.
2003: Merger with Sodimac.
2006: Opening of first store in Colombia. CMR starts operations in Colombia.
2007: Banco Falabella starts its operations in Peru. Creation of Aventura Plaza. Acquisition of 60 % of Imperial in Chile.
2010: Falabella sold its 20 % of FASA to Casa Saba. CMR Colombia obtains the banking license.
2013: Entry to Brazil through the acquisition of the Home Improvement chain Dicico. -Falabella launches Movil Falabella and Connect.
2014: Acquisition of Maestro Peru.
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Operations in Perú
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Harsh reforms 90s and the subsequent economic recovery after the deep crisis of the 80 allowed the company to consolidate its expansion process.
In 2001 they opened their first store outside of Lima. This was FALABELLA SAGA EXPRESS in Trujillo. The result exceeded his expectations. Under the Express format, they achieved sales per square meter higher than those achieved in Lima.
Based on this experience, they opened a similar one in Arequipa and in 2003 did the same in Piura hand in hand with the Romero Group in the so-called Plaza del Sol shopping center of 10,000 m2, reaching in 2004 a turnover exceeding the US $ 18 million
The expansion continues and are now also present in Cajamarca and Ica
Las duras reformas de los 90 y la posterior recuperación económica del país luego de la profunda crisis de los 80 permitió a la empresa consolidar su proceso de expansión.
En el 2001 abrieron su primera tienda fuera de Lima. Se trató de SAGA FALABELLA EXPRESS en Trujillo. El resultado superó sus expectativas. Bajo ese formato Express, lograron ventas por metro cuadrado superiores a las logradas en Lima.
En base a esta experiencia, abrieron otra similar en Arequipa y en el 2003 hicieron lo propio en Piura de la mano con el Grupo Romero en la llamada Plaza del Sol, un centro comercial de 10,000 mt2, alcanzando en el 2004 una facturación superior a los US$18 millones
La expansión continúa y hoy están presentes también en Cajamarca e Ica