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Commentaire de "the Guardian" du 8 février 2016, concernant le congé parental partagé.

Par   •  19 Mai 2018  •  954 Mots (4 Pages)  •  583 Vues

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Oui les bébés ont besoin de voir leur père plus que la société leur permet a l’heure actuelle car cela permet au bébé d’avoir un meilleur équilibre de vie. Concernant ma propre expérience quand j’étais petir je ne voyais jamais mon père car il travaillais tous le temps meme les week-end il rentrait tard le soir. C’est mon grand père qui s’occupait de moi.

Yes the babies need to see their father more that the company(society) allows them has the current hour because it allows the baby to have a better balance of life. Concerning my own experience(experiment) when I was to petir I never saw my father because he(it) worked all the time(weather) weekend he(it) returned late in the evening. It is my grandfather who took care of me.

Summarize the text

This article is extracted of the Guardian of February 8th, 2016. It speaks about the shared parental leave which is rather low(weak). This poll(sounding) shows that the men(people) want shared the childminding(custody of the children). It is has cause of a lack of motivation and of préocupations in their work that the dads do not take time to take care of their child. The legislation opened a debate on the absence of the dads in the childminding(custody of the children) and the numerous inquiries show that they would like to have more time(weather) with their family. The recent study of sex equality of 2016 by the company Fawcett shows that eighty six pourcent of the men(people) want to share with his wife the childminding(custody of the children) and the four ving a pourcent of the women veuleunt the guarding(nurse) for her quite only. The Centrica company have to gather(collect) given on the employees dad. But he(it) had more information about the moms grace(favor) has their maternity leave which planned has this effect.


Companies would have to grant(tune) the same time(weather) of maternity leave for the woman as paternity leave for the man

He(She) them allows to spend time with their newborn child and not to leave him(it) especially alone until the couple gets organized with their baby. Because a child implies(involves) a lot of change in their life.

Yes the babies need to see their father more that the company(society) allows them has the current hour because it allows the baby to have a better balance of life. Concerning my own experience(experiment) when I was to petir I never saw my father because he(it) worked all the time(weather) weekend he(it) returned late in the evening. It is my grandfather who took care of me.


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