BTS Com Anglais 1ère année
Par Christopher • 12 Novembre 2018 • 1 228 Mots (5 Pages) • 572 Vues
On peut constater, concernant les salaires horaires moyens, c’est en septembre 2010 que le salaire est plus élevé avec 15.63$, puis pour les salaires hebdomadaires moyens, c’est en août que le salaire est plus élevé avec 487.34$.
Enfin, le troisième document est un graphique montrant les dépenses pendant les périodes de fêtes en milliards.
On peut constater que c’est pendant les vacances d’hivers que les américains dépensent le plus avec 447.1 milliards de dollars. Ensuite, avec 55.12 milliards de dollars, c’est les dépenses pour la rentrée scolaires. Concernant la fête des mères, les américains dépensent 14.6 milliards de dollars, et 14.1 milliards de dollars pour la Saint Valentin puis $12.73 milliards pour Pâques. A propos de la fête des pères, les américains dépenses $9.81 milliards et pour le Superbowl $8.87 milliards.
Pour finir, les américains dépensent pour Halloween $5.8 milliards et pour la fête de la St Patrick $3.44 milliards.
Expression écrite en Langue Vivante Etrangère (8 points)
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Factors to consider when evaluating a company are: turnover, location, legal form, profitability, performance and job creation. One can also take into account the opportunities that the company offers to employees for their careers and then having a good relationship with its employee can lead to better results.
The company I admire is free. Free is a mobile operator established in the telephony market since 1999 by Xavier Niel. It is the fourth mobile operator in France Metropolitan. Free Company has 7795 employees. Its turnover in 2014 was 4.16 billion euros, regarding Free mobile, its turnover in 2014 was 1.6 million euros
The positive points of Free are its prices and its advantageous packages, its possibility to rent mobiles and then its evolution in the telephony market.
Concerning its negative points, Free's different telephone networks on certain places in France are not yet reliable, Free does not yet have the fibber and still has to gain market share on mobile networks throughout France.
In addition, Free is a lack of stores in some cities in France, which does not facilitate customer relations.
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The paper is an interview on "The Workplace Today," a weekly radio program. Today, John, the presenter, interviews Alice Wonder, an employee assistance program specialist.
Alice is a psychologist and has worked for EAP for over 30 years. She currently manages a program in Washington DC. In the interview, she described the Employee Assistance Program, its evolution, and its objectives.
EAP was founded in the 1940s in the United States to help employees cope with alcoholism which was deemed detrimental to the quality of their work and therefore to the company. Over the years, the program has expanded to include counseling services on a range of other issues, in fact any problems that could lead to absenteeism or lack of concentration in the workplace. Alice says the list is long, but the most frequent are: substance abuse (drug and tobacco), family problems, divorce, workplace conflict and financial and legal problems. Alice also says there are minor problems such as a tree falling into the yard and an employee could not handle it.
In the end, she says the EAP is free for all employees and their families. Then she adds that before they are in crisis, they can dial an emergency number with consultations available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.