Anglais Bts sio devoir 1
Par Ramy • 31 Août 2018 • 1 061 Mots (5 Pages) • 682 Vues
à Morrisons de se démarquer des autres distributeurs tout en valorisant leur gamme d’aliments frais qui sont leurs produits phares.
Les rumeurs d’un partenariat avec le commerçant en ligne Ocado ont donné une nouvelle impulsion à la popularité de la chaîne et a eu un impact fort sur la valeur des actions des deux entreprises depuis le mois de février. Bien que cette collaboration demeure encore à l’état d’hypothèse et non un fait accompli selon la direction de Morissons, il n’en demeure pas moins qu’Ocado continue d’accroître son activité et a même récemment ouvert un deuxième entrepôt en Angleterre. Morrisons devrait également ressentir prochainement les bénéfices de leur récent projet de développer le commerce de proximité, terrain qu’ils n’avaient pas occupé jusqu’à ce jour.
(236 mots)
To :
From :
Subject : Morrisons web design project
Dear Mrs Hodge,
Thank you for your interest in our work. We guarantee 100% personalized offers and a thorough investigation and analysis of your needs.
Now, let me go through the standard requirements for efficient online grocery webpages. A portal must be customer-friendly. The reason why people shop online is that they don’t want the stressful, time-consuming traditional environment that a shop offers. That’s why a simple navigation structure and homepage has got to be your main objective. Time is precious and heavy pages slow the buyer down. So, you have to keep to the basics. If your page is slow, the customers will give up and never return. The first impression is crucial.
In extension to that idea, you must be aware that any vital information should stand out on the page, for instance at the top or in the middle of the portal. A predominant position is best for flash or last-minute information such as free shipping or special offers for a limited number of items. It’s always good to emphasize discounts because that is what keeps people coming back. For instance, rotating images are a simple and effective solution to advertise several products while being spatially economic for the page.
Time should also be gained by enabling customers to log in or check in quickly thanks to a pop-up registration box for instance. This is just a possibility of course. Being able to check the payment methods as soon as they enter the online shop is also very important in time-saving. These methods avoid unnecessary searching around the site and unwelcome stress.
Buyer-friendly solutions also include online shopping-list features that can be stored in customer information. This way shopping carts can be programmed in advance and automatically shipped out at the agreed time of delivery. For people with tight budgets, you can also add a total dial that indicates how much has been spent on the cart.
Obviously, items should be organized in well thought-out sections depending on simple criteria making it easier and faster for customers to buy their favorite articles so as to limit the frustration they want to avoid in those noisy supermarkets.
There are, of course, many options available to make your business as competitive as you want it to be. Many online stores now have the wish-list feature so that customers can access birthday or Christmas lists of presents their friends and family have submitted. This again is just an example.
If you wish to get a full assessment of your needs and the possibilities available, please contact me at this email address to decide upon a suitable meeting time.
A fully comprehensive analysis of the situation and the web design will cost between £2000 and £3600. Best regards,
L.James, webdesigner, Prismdesigns