Dialogue en anglais
Par Stella0400 • 1 Novembre 2018 • 737 Mots (3 Pages) • 543 Vues
-It’s so hopeless
-And so pathetic.
-I will not say better.
-What are you saying? This scarf was out of this world! I need it! Don’t you understand that??? This was the only opportunity I had to have a wonderful scarf! I’m a shopaholic!
-But where is going this world? Everything comes from China and the quality is so bad. Before, we produced the half of the products in England and it wasn’t children who worked for us. There were less people in unemployed! Now everyone buy for have more and more but for what? In what kind of world do we live? Sweet Jesus…
-Lady, you need to live with this new society if you want or not. The consumption is something important. You don’t have the choice to say what you want, especially useless criticisms. And if you’re not okay with that, why are you in my shop? You are despicable! So go out and I never want to see you again! Never, right?
-I didn’t have the choice, it’s raining and I don’t have an umbrella!
-I don’t want to know! That’s enough, go out!
-*d’un air autain*Of course I will! *commence à partir et fait une crise cardiaque*
-Oh God! I’m so sorry! Wake up, please! I’m begging you!!! *s’agenouille et panique*
-I wouldn’t like to die like that… In the same time, she deserved that situation. She didn’t stop complaining just because she isn’t trendy.
-Oh!*à l’air choquée* But… What a superb shawl!*récupère le châle de la vieille*
-What are you doing?
-Of course I will pay! Take this madam!
*Tous les personnages sont choqués*
-Goodbye ! Enjoy your afternoon !