Dialogue en anglais.
Par Junecooper • 14 Septembre 2018 • 1 025 Mots (5 Pages) • 537 Vues
MARINE : Before opening your company, there IS A LOT OF training. After your degree, You will have to go to a CAP or pass a professional degree. You can even ENTER a BTS if you want to have an engineer's license? Is THAT what you want to hear madam ?
CHLOE : No, I still don’t aggree. I have always thought that you were going to follow my way and so that I was going to have no difficulties in the choice of your professional future. I didn't spend all this time and this money on your education for nothing. I want the best for you, be sure that you have a job. For that, you have to follow a normal university program and to go to the university. A well considered university or a trading school will allow you to succeed in life and make money. You know Jo, money is most important to live in good conditions and be popular in society.
ELISA : That does not SURPRISE ME FROM YOU. You always THINK ABOUT money. According to me, the wealth inside is more important than some bills.You GIVE too much importance TO IT just like the family which you leave except for the happiness of your only child, it is poignant (??????) PATHETIC and sexist.
JO : Thank you Dad, you are understanding and it does me good! For your information mum, I could become an CRAFTSWOMAN on my OWN and I could thus generate fairly significant income! You disappoint me enormously, but I knew you would not understAND. I don't see why I would go to university when I want a more manual career. Marine: I think we can't prevent you from doing these studies but your choice can still evolve. In this case, I trust you, you are a good student and I am sure that your parents will be proud of you.
CHLOE : Waste her potentiAl like that, it's too bad. But it's your choice...... Thank you for seeing us but I'm just sik and tired of this all.
ELISA : thanks..
JO : Thank you for supporting me, you reinforced me in my choice.
MARINE : bye bye