- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Etude marketing.

Par   •  2 Septembre 2018  •  2 524 Mots (11 Pages)  •  482 Vues

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6. Develop effective reflection on personal development

I have different ways of working but the most efficient way is by learning on my own and then reciting my knowledge to others. According to Fleming’s VARK learning style model, I am an auditory learner. When explaining my knowledge to someone, I record everything I say. It is crucial that I recite everything out loud, since I have a bad memory, or else I will not be able to remember what I had learnt. It is important for me to explain my knowledge to others, this is why I should work with others more often.

Furthermore, I have also improved my time management skills, indeed for the first few reports and essays I did not manage my time well because I ended up doing them the weekend before. However, I have now evolved and decided to do them well in advance to be able to reread them and take my time to deliver a paper of quality. On the other hand, I do not have trouble spending my studying time effectively. Indeed, I am way more efficient when I am interested in the subject but I can also be focused in what I do even when the subject does not passionate me. It is very important to be concentrated when working on a subject.

7. Demonstrate career action planning

I will now show a career action planning. I believe that my internship will be extremely beneficial since I do not have much experience in the service sector. I have previously done an internship in a bakery and also in a 3 star hotel called Le Bristol de Strasbourg. I learned a lot about the front office and housekeeping. This internship helped me learn a lot about the accommodation sector but I believe that I have to deepen my knowledge with another internship. I wish that my future internship will really guide me to my future career. It is a great that my internship is abroad since this shows mobility which is a very valuable aspect in this choice of career. Since I am mostly interested in the accommodation sector, I am glad to be working in a hotel. The fact that I will be working as a butler in the lounge will give me the opportunity to learn how to create a professional contact with the clients and, of course, know how to serve correctly. There is a certain lack of experience that is shown on my CV (appendices …), this is why the internships that I will do during this three year course will be very important for my employability. My CV will also need improvement and personalization to be able to stand out from others. I believe that I will gain a lot of experience, knowledge and skills, this will help me grow as a whole and not only professionally.

My goal for this year and for next year is to gain experience from my upcoming internships. There are so many aspects that I have yet to discover and I am looking forward to succeed in doing so.

Belbin types:


This is something that demands our undivided attention.

The small print is always worth reading.

Murphy’s Law: “If that can go will go wrong”…

O’Toole’s Law: “Murphy was an optimist”.

There is no excuse for not being perfect.

Perfection is only just good enough.

A stitch in time saves nine.

Has it been checked?

Team worker:

Courtesy costs nothing.

I was very interested in your point of view.

If it’s all right with you, it’s all right with me.

Everybody has a good side worth appealing to.

If people listened to themselves more, they would talk less.

You can always sense a good atmosphere at work.

I try to be versatile.

Fleming’s VARK Leaning style model:

Auditory learners:

Auditory learners learn best by hearing information. They tend to get a great deal out of lectures and are good at remembering things they are told.

I prefer listening to a class lecture than to read information from a textbook.

Reading out loud helps me remember information.

I would rather listen to a podcast of my lecture rather than going over class notes.

Cécile Schlaefli

02/12/1996 (18 years old)

Ecole de Savignac,

24420 Savignac-les-Eglises, France



Hardworking, passionate and focused in what I do. I am a respectful person and I enjoy helping people whenever I can. I will really appreciate doing whatever job I can to improve my skills in the hospitality industry.

Education and Qualifications

2014-2017 Ecole Supérieure Internationale de Savignac

European Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in International Hospitality Management

2011-2014 Lycée International des Pontonniers, Strasbourg

Baccalaureat with honors in Economics and Social

2005-2009 Expatriation in Shenzhen/Hong Kong

Work Experience

2014 Internship in Le Bristol de Strasbourg (2 weeks)

Receptionist (reservations, welcoming the clients)/housekeeping (checking if the rooms are clean, cleaning the rooms)

2012-2014 Babysitting (occasional)

Responsible for children from 7 to 12 years old

2011 Internship in a bakery/pastry shop “Au Coeur du Pain”


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