Can iphone maintain its initial momentum ?
Par Ramy • 10 Décembre 2017 • 2 212 Mots (9 Pages) • 541 Vues
that never stop to grow.
The application market created in 2008 with the launch of the App Store also participates in these
changes. It is now a huge market. In 2016, the App Store has given $ 20 billion to developers,
according to Apple. The App Store alone has more than two million applications. Many services or
applications would not have existed or experienced the same success without it.
The home button present on the smartphone strongly inspired the competitors. It is still found, in a
different form certainly, but with the same function, on all Samsung smartphones.
On others smartphones, it is integrated in the screen of the mobile, but its role does not change.
It is also difficult not to see similarities between the first principles of what was called OS X (now
iOS) with the other operating systems of the market. And iOS, although it is updated every year and
that its appearance has changed completely in ten years, it keeps the same key points: icons
representing each application on a home screen.
On the economic front, the iPhone has opened the way to a huge market, for Apple, but also for all
its competitors.
Apple has also differentiated itself from its competitors by exploiting the codes of the Luxury
industry and creating desire. From packaging to installation in shops to pubs, everything has always
been done so that the iPhone is not sold like any other phone.
Each model presentation acts as the event of the year. The rumor machine races several months
upstream. Once the phone is presented, a flood of publications accompanies it in newspapers and
blogs around the world, queues are formed in front of the Apple Stores.
Apple has always done everything to maintain this effect. Indeed, even if it sells millions of iPhone
every month, everything is done so that the customer feels like special when going out of the shop
Operators had to accept practices that no other manufacturer could have imposed. They have thus
undergone the exclusivity granted, initially, by Apple to some of them. This was the case in France,
where SFR and Bouygues Telecom battled for months to sell the first iPhone, reserved for Orange.
The operators also agreed to finance the TV ads themselves: long spots to the glory of the device, in
which the operator’s logo appeared only furtively, at the end. The model of the subsidy has taken off
with the iPhone: it allowed to smooth the purchase price in time by including a part in the
subscription. Thus, if an operator does not offer the iPhone customers will see elsewhere. But
iPhone users are good customers, with phone subscriptions larger than the average. The relationship
of the operators with Apple have normalized with the time and the rise of the competition.
Could you help Apple to formulate a strategy and a marketing plan for Europe ?
As in the USA, the marketing strategy of the iPhone must be based on mass marketing,
paradoxically targeted to a very broad social clientele. The company must reach out to a wide
audience ranging from children and students to professional users, This will allow them to
differentiate themselves from competitors in Europe who use a market segmentation strategy -
several products offered at very different costs in the target audience and the geographic area.
Apple has to implement a strategy to establish Apple Stores in the main cities in western europe as
in Germany, France or even in Italy. It would be shops dedicated exclusively to its products, with a
consulting team and a presentation room where events such as private sales could also take place to
accentuate the feeling to be part of a community.
The company must obviously keep this image of "Luxury phone" and implement the same strategy
in europe. Advertising campaigns must be massive, on television as well as on posters with images,
silhouettes of stereotyped characters and color variations in order to fully develop this
undifferentiated marketing strategy and to cultivate this modern and innovative image.
The company should use its influence by putting pressure on the suppliers so that the toxic products
are used only in small quantity in the manufacture of the iphone. The company should also play a
role in terms of working conditions and respect for human rights. This would make it possible to
associate the brand with a responsible corporate image, and to cultivate among consumers, in
Europe but also in the United States, the feeling of adhering to a set of values.
Do you think Apple pricing policy is helping it to achieve market share ? Was dropping the price a good strategy ?
Apple’s main competitor, the Android operating system, also seems to be on a fast track.
Launched in June 2007 following Google’s takeover in 2005 of the startup of the same name, the
system was originally designed for smartphones and tablets. By 2015, Android is the