Business project - Burgundy Coffee Shop
Par Orhan • 27 Octobre 2018 • 3 828 Mots (16 Pages) • 497 Vues
The service of our company would be fast and available for every person that wants to order snacks or drinks.
Furthermore, the industry’s demand for premium coffee and snack products are mainly driven by a number of factors which include disposable income, per capita coffee consumption, attitudes towards health, world pricing of coffee and demographics.
This industry is highly sensitive to the macroeconomic factors that affect the growth in household disposable. So our product will be natural friendly.
SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
- The original leader chain of American coffees (Starbucks Coffee) is not doing it
- It represents a certain comfort for businesses that could call for our services and just wait for its order.
- In a way, our company is adapting to the actual state of the society and the needs of a majority of consumers: the quickness.
- Every delivery would represent a great amount of money due to the quantities that we are able to deliver.
- Companies can have big quantity of coffee to give to their employees because we will deliver it to them
- Customers can't see directly the products, so they are less influenced to buy.
- Less modifications of the commands (for example buying an additional product).
- Our company could grow up really quickly because of the eventual high satisfaction of the clients
- Being present on great events and starting to build a good brand image.
- Dealing with big companies could help us being more famous at the consumer’s level.
- The first risk is financial, as we saw just above. A such project requires lots of money and so, a huge indebtedness because of the unavoidable loan to the bank.
- Our company must surpass its weaknesses, if not, the brand loyalty would fall down and the feedbacks would put our enterprise in an uncomfortable position
- Giving the idea to other coffee companies such as Starbuck Coffee.
Target consumer segment:
Between 18 and 50, mostly students/young actives that will come at the coffee shop or older like employees or workers in companies.
Sample : 52 individuals between 17 and 56 years old, no gender distinction.
- What is your current situation ?
-Employee (16/30.7%)
-Student (32/61.5%)
-Non active (5/9.6%)
- What is your age ?
-Under 18 (4/7.6%)
-Between 18 and 27 (28/53.8%)
-Between 28 and 45 (14/26.9%)
-Between 46 and 65 (6/11.5%)
-Higher than 65 (0/0%)
- Where do you live ?
-Downtown (37/71.1%)
-Residential area (15/28.9%)
-Outside Dijon (0/0%)
- Do you often buy coffee/hot drinks outside, if yes, how often ?
-Very rarely (Once/twice in a few months) (1/1.9%)
-Once/twice a month (2/3.8%)
-Once/twice a week (11/21.1%)
-Every day (24/46.1%)
-Several times per day (11/21.1%)
-No (3/5.7%)
- Which type of hot drinks are you the most likely to consume ?
-Coffee (38/73.0%)
-Latte (7/13.4%)
-Chocolate (4/7.6%)
-Other (2/3.8%)
- Are you interested in to accompany your drink, if yes, which type ?
-Cakes (5/9.6%)
-Pastries (Croissants for example) (27/51.9%)
-Pastries (Paris-Brest for example) (13/24.9%)
-No (7/13.4%)
- How much, on average, could you spend in this type of service ?
-Less than 10€ per month (7/13.4%)
-Between 15€ and 30€ per month (25/48.0%)
-Between 30€ and 50€ per month (16/30.7%)
-More than 50€ per month (4/7.6%)
- If you are working in a company, do you think a general delivery of coffees each day would be interesting ?
-Yes (12/23.0%)
-No (4/7.6%)
-I don’t know (36/69.2%)
- What do you expect the most from a Coffee Shop like ours ?
-Opened at least every working days (23/44.8%)
-Opened 24/7 (5/9.6%)
-Quick delivery (7/13.4%)
-Affordable price (4/7.6%)
-French made products (2/3.8%)
-Quality products (10/19.2%)
-Mobile application (1/1.9%)
III. Vision & Company strategy
Vision / purpose