- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Projet Marketing, Nokia Corporation

Par   •  18 Octobre 2018  •  2 087 Mots (9 Pages)  •  579 Vues

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To sum up, we have 3 major goals for this campaign :

- to be different

- to draw attention by using a memes

- to satisfy a new need : save money on repairs

- Product repositioning and solutions :

To begin with, we can give a definition of a reposition which we found on the website : « repositioning refers to the major change in positioning for the product. To successfully reposition a product, the firm has to change the target market’s understanding of the product. The key issue is the word « change ». The reposition can be used for several major reasons :

- change in consumer needs

- new/strong competition

- lack of perceived differentiation

- the product is under or over positioned

- a poor product launch

- new target market

- etc.

Here, it can be said that we want to reposition this product because, at the moment, the product is under positioned, it had a poor product launch and because we hope to target new customers.

At the time, this phone was kind of the first mobile and everybody wanted to get one. Today and in order to reposition our product, we need to take advantage of some characteristics it has :

- it is unbreakable

- it has no GPS (Global Positioning System), no Internet connexion : it is impossible to follow its processor and this is a difference of our competitors and their smartphones.

- it is not expensive regarding the prices of our competitors : 90€ against hundreds of euros.

- a 10 days autonomy

Our potential consumers need to understand that thanks to our phone, they will be different, original. At the time, this phone was a revolution because it was a mobile and that was the beginning of this era. Today, this relaunch is a revolution because our consumers would be able to use their phones for an entire day (and a lot more) without recharging it which is, in 2016, something very special and a huge advantage.

Smartphones offer more and more apps and beautiful photographs, etc. But the Nokia 3310 is very simple of using, it is resistant, unbreakable, it has a really performing battery. A lot of people are really looking for something like this and we need to reposition our product with the major argument : smartphones are cool, it is trend, it has a great design. But it is expensive, it not lasts forever. People start to get tired of this, and more and more consumers want a back to basics, which is the slogan of our enterprise.

- Justification for advertising materials and our approach :

After studying the use of viral in class, we decided that using a memes could be a good way to promote our product. Indeed, at the time, the Nokia 3310 had a huge success but nowadays, with the improvement of high technology and the use of the Internet, we think it is necessary to position our marketing campaign on this type of communication. Everyday, many very short viral videos are viewed by millions of people through social media, this makes is a good way to make a product known by many people. We have a product which is already known by a lot of people. However, it has disappeared of the market and the idea is that we want people to remember about this unbreakable phone.

When the enterprise does not have a big budget concerning advertising, using viral videos and social media is a very good way to save money. It is less expensive than an advertising campaign and it will touch more people because today, in our society, everything goes faster on the Internet.

At the present time, USA is living a very important period for its country : the presidential elections. At the moment, many videos about it circulate on internet. We thought about one in particular called “Obama out”. No mic drop in history will ever be as thoroughly scrutinized as the one performed by him during his final White House correspondents dinner. As a gesture, the mic drop signals the end of a statement so definitive that it cannot possibly be followed. We want to say stop to this trend to have those weak phones that cannot be used more than a month without being broken. This is why we choose this video. Replacing Obama’s mic by a phone, we want to show that no one is able to break our product. Obama is appreciated and respected by many people, so using his celebrity can make our product viral too.

In order to create our marketing campaign, we chose to use Photoshop and to create a memes : we took the photograph of Obama dropping his mic at the end of its speech and secondly, we took the basic image of our product : the Nokia 3310.

[pic 4]

[pic 5]

Our campaign will be shared mostly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #Bereadytodropthephone. Using a hashtag makes the campaign more easier to find, but mostly it makes it more “young”. Today, you are cool when you are using a hashtag. We want to show that a Nokia 3310 can be cool too. Yes, it is vintage, but it not necessarily means that it is not cool. Vintage can be as well a trend too.

The second part of our campaign is to involve our customers. People will come to our shop and they will try the phone. Our consumers don’t necessarily have to buy it after you try it, they can only participate to the contest. We would like to encourage people to drop as well their phone, while recording it in videos, putting it on the Internet, using the hashtag #Bereadytodropthephone. A competition will be created on the social networks we decided to use, and the more creative “dropper” will receive a price. It can be another product of our enterprise as a game console for example or a promotion. As we do not have many shops in France, we decided to organize a « Tour ». Our employees will go in different shopping malls and they will encourage people to participate to the contest, as well as it allows us to present our product. It is interesting because it can attract more people, and above all people who are all different. For example it can be teenagers or retired people, or adults, well every part of the population. Ant it allows us to meet our consumers which


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