Éléphants cas
Par Andrea • 27 Mars 2018 • 950 Mots (4 Pages) • 476 Vues
other incredible species could soon disappear unless we halt the industrial-scale poaching of Africa’s animals. We need to act now to give wildlife populations and habitats time to recover, then start to thrive again.
Few of us would be prepared to put our lives on the line to get inside a wildlife smuggling operation, but if we all support the amazing people who have the courage to do so, we could really make a difference. Click to give what you can to back Africa’s wildlife heroes to take their work to the next level:
To donate another amount, click here.
For many years our community has stood up for endangered animals on land and sea, winning victories for elephants in Thailand, whales in the Atlantic and many more of the amazing creatures we inhabit this earth with. Now we have a chance to help solve some of the world’s worst wildlife crimes at source, by turning the hunters into the hunted.
With hope and determination,
Alex, Patricia, Spyro, Alice, Ricken and the whole Avaaz team
Further information:
Organised crime sets sights on wildlife (BBC)
African Conservation Group With Unusual Mission: Enforcement (New York Times)
Senegal seizes illegal elephant hair jewellery (Reuters)
Moment an orphaned baby chimp is rescued after she was found in a tiny wooden box cowering from animal traffickers who had killed her mother (The Daily Mail)
Wildlife chief arrested as net closes on traffickers selling chimpanzees to Far East (The Express)
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